Wildfire History
Wildfire History
Frog Fire Updates
Frog Fire Information - October 2, 2024
Size: 3,114 acres
Containment: 69%
Total Personnel: 81
Location: east of Clayton, ID
Reported: September 7, 2024
Cause: Lightning
Frog Fire Information - September 17, 2024
U.S. Forest Service-Sawtooth National Forest – Frog Fire Daily Update
Daily Update
Size: 3,105 acres
Containment: 42%
Total Personnel: 231
Location: Little Boulder Creek off East Fork
Reported: 9/7/2024
Cause: Lightning
For More Information:
Information Phone: 208-510-7856
Email: carlie_swa@firenet.gov
Frog Fire Information - September 12, 2024
Frog Fire Statistics:
Size: 1,755 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 112
Location: Little Boulder Creek off East Fork
Reported: 9/7/2024
Cause: Lightning
Frog Fire Information - September 12, 2024
Frog Fire Statistics:
Size: 2,500 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 91
Location: Little Boulder Creek off East Fork
Reported: 9/7/2024
Cause: Lightning
For evacuation information, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/
Frog Fire Update - Sept 10, 2024
- Size: 1,500 Acres
- Total Personnel: 27
- Percent of Perimeter Contained: 0%
- Estimated Containment Date: 09/23/2024
- Fuels Involved: Timber (spruce) with isolated pockets of sage brush
- Cause: Ligntning
Incident Type: Wildfire Cause Lightning
- Date of Origin Sat, 09/07/2024 – 14:23
- Location: Little Boulder Creek off the East Fork of the Salmon River
- Incident Commander: U.S. Forest Service Sawtooth National Forest
- Coordinates: 44° 4′ 58” Latitude, -114° 31′ 32 ” Longitude
Significant Events: Extreme fire behavior, wind driven runs and short-range spotting. Fire managers saw large growth and observed spotting and large runs.
Via U.S. Forest Service-Sawtooth National Forest Facebook Page:
Fire behavior is intensifying with the heavy winds. The fire is moving towards the North/Northeast. Crews are working along the East Fork Road to prevent the fire from reaching Big Boulder, Little Boulder, and the East Fork of the Salmon.
Fire managers are closely monitoring the situation and evaluating alternative strategies as weather conditions continue to influence the fire’s progression.
Frog Fire Update
- Started: Sep. 7, 2024
- Location: Sawtooth National Recreation Area, near the Cecil D. Andrus – White Clouds Wilderness 11 Miles northeast of Smiley Creek. North of Little Boulder Creek and near Frog Lakes.
- Cause: Lightning
- Size: 76 acres

Wapiti Lake Fire Updates
Wapiti Fire Information - October 2, 2024
Size: 125,758 acres
Completion: 78%
Total Personnel: 310
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: Lightning
Wapiti Fire Information - September 19, 2024
Great Basin Complex Incident Management Team 7
Mike Johnston, Incident Commander
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: 125,472 acres
Completion: 72%
Total Personnel: 621
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: Lightning
For More Information
Information Phone: 208-593-7132
Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov
Wapiti Fire Information - September 17, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.
Great Basin Complex Incident Management Team 7
Mike Johnston, Incident Commander
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: 125,459 acres
Completion: 55%
Total Personnel: 698
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: Lightning
For More Information
Information Phone: 208-593-7132
Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov
Wapiti Fire Information - September 16, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.
Great Basin Complex Incident Management Team 7
Mike Johnston, Incident Commander
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: 125,459 acres
Containment: 53%
Total Personnel: 789
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: Lightning
Wapiti Fire Information - September 12, 2024
Great Basin
Complex Incident Management Team 7 Update
Mike Johnston, Incident Commander
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: 125,429 acres
Containment: 12%
Total Personnel: 1,244
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: Lightning
Wapiti Fire Update
September 6, 2024
INFO BELOW FROM Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 208-593-7132 (public) 208-901-8973 (media) Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov
InciWeb: https://inciweb.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Information Linktree: https://linktr.ee/
Interactive Map: https://tinyurl.com/
Special Notes: Today is Rocky Mountain CIMT1’s final day on Wapiti Fire as we reach the end of our 14-day tour. We will be transitioning to Great Basin CIMT7 tomorrow morning. We thank the local agencies, our cooperators, and especially the wonderful people of this area for your support, patience, and grace during our time here.
Rocky Mountain CIMT1 hosted a community meeting in Stanley yesterday. The meeting was video recorded and can be viewed on our Facebook page at the link above.
State Highway 21 remains closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. Highway 75 remains open.
Current Situation: Fire behavior was moderate yesterday, and acreage growth was limited. Wapiti Fire now stands at 13,280 acres, and it is 12% contained. As the threat to structures and communities around much of the fire has been reduced by weeks of the hard work of firefighters, management of the fire in some respects is now a waiting game with the weather. Firefighters continue to work both day and night to ensure values at risk around the fire are protected. Crews will continue to improve firelines, mop up, hold, and patrol the fire’s edge in portions of the fire that are safe to work in. In other areas, the focus is on actions to reduce the intensity or rate of spread of the fire should it approach indirect control features. The Highway 21 corridor on the west side of the fire is now the highest priority for protection of values at risk. Crews continue to work in this area to reinforce control lines and deploy structure protection equipment while systematically working to slow the fire’s advance. Plans are in place should the fire imminently threaten communities. Each day we can slow the fire’s advance brings us closer to fall moisture.
Division DD: Crews continue improving the fuels break along the Decker Flats Road south of the Fish Hatchery in the event the fires moves out of the Wilderness. Options for extending the line further south are being assessed. The fire in the Wilderness is slowly growing towards the south and east but is not threatening values at this time.
Division HH: The indirect fireline around Goat Falls, Stanley, nearby communities, and down to the Stanley Ranger Station is complete. Some personnel are being moved from this location to other priority areas of the fire.
Division KK and Structure Group East: Much of this division is now contained. Work to secure, mop up, and patrol will continue along the entire division. The large spot east of Highway 21 is contained and in patrol status.
Division PP: Crews have contained the western edge of the finger of the fire that crossed Highway 21. A spot near the tip of this finger is burning very slowly in the Halstead fire scar and is not a priority for action at this time. Chipping operations are underway to reduce fuels in the Highway 21 corridor near Thatcher Creek. Crews have completed structure prep work at Bradley Boy Scout Camp and remain on alert in the area.
Division MM: Crews continue to grid for spots, mop up, and hold firelines within the Bull Trout Lake area. The fire is hung up in rocky areas on Copper Mountain, showing little advancement. Plans are in place to reduce fire intensity and slow its progress with firing operations if it moves off Copper Mountain into heavier timber.
Division WW and Structure Group West: The Highway 21 corridor in Division WW is now the highest priority area in the fire. Efforts are focused on slowly backing the fire down from Eight Mile Ridge at a controlled rate. This is accomplished with aircraft water drops when conditions allow and firing operations to keep the fire from making runs back towards Warm Springs airstrip. Crews are working in Chapman Creek on the south side of Highway 21 to hold the fire’s progress at the bottom of the drainage. The fire is backing through a triangle of fuels near the highway. Firing operations will be used as needed in this area. Structure preparation work around Sourdough Lodge and the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks is essentially complete. Personnel will remain in place to maintain equipment and be alert to any threats. Crews continue patrolling within Hanging Valley and the Wapiti Creek area, along the 524 road, and the Grandjean area.
Division VV: The fire is slowly backing in this remote unroaded division. Fire managers use IR imagery and aircraft reconnaissance to assess fire movement and the potential need for any actions.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior:
A high-pressure system continues over the area, with sunny, warm, dry conditions. Temperatures will reach 80 degrees, and humidity will fall into the teens. Lower elevations will remain smoky under an inversion until around 1:00 pm. Winds will continue to be light and out of the southwest to west. Sunny warm weather is resulting in fuels continuing to dry, making for the possibility of challenging fire behavior today.
- For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/
Custer-County-Sheriff-Idaho- 61558947312289/ and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ boisecountysheriff/. - To sign up for Custer County CodeRED emergency notifications, text CUSTER to 99411 or enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.
com/CNE/BF28E45537FF . - To sign up for Boise County Alert Sense emergency notification enroll online at https://public.alertsense.
com/SignUp/publicUser.aspx? regionid=1163 - Closures and Fire Restrictions:
- State Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130 for public and firefighter safety.
- A Wapiti Fire Area Closure / Forest Order: 0414-04-151 for portions of the Boise, Sawtooth, and Salmon-Challis National Forests can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
alerts/sawtooth/alerts- notices. - Boise National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order: 0402-00-63 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
alerts/boise/alerts-notices. - Sawtooth National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order 0414-00-044 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices . - Fire restrictions on state and private lands may be found at this site: https://www.idl.idaho.
gov/fire-management/fire- restrictions-finder/. - A Temporary Flight Restriction is in place over the Wapiti Fire. Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit http://knowbeforeyoufly.
Wapiti Fire Update
September 4, 2024
Comments by Mayor of Stanley, Steve Botti
The City of Stanley and The Salmon River Clinic and various partners are focusing on mental health concerns of the community. Please reach out for support and practice excellent self-care during this stressful time. The City of Stanley is trying to mobilize resources to create opportunities for health and mental well-being for the community. They want to support the community to build coping skills, even in these very challenging times. Please pay close attention to Custer County repopulation messages. Starting tomorrow there will likely be opportunities for residents in Zone 1 to begin returning to their residences. More to come on those details.
INFO BELOW FROM Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 208-593-7132 (public) 208-901-8973 (media) Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov
InciWeb: https://inciweb.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Information Linktree: https://linktr.ee/
Interactive Map: https://tinyurl.com/
Special Notes: Rocky Mountain CIMT1 hosted a community meeting yesterday in Lowman. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on our Facebook page Wapiti Fire Information 2024 (see link above).
There will be a community meeting at the Stanley Community Building at 6:00 pm Thursday. The meeting will be livestreamed on Facebook for those who cannot attend in person.
State Highway 21 remains closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. Highway 75 remains open.
Current Situation: Thunderstorms again built over the fire yesterday, increasing fire activity and challenging firefighters as they held established firelines. Air resources will be able to support firefighters on the ground due to clearer air over the fire. Fire resources will again assist the local Forests with initial attack of new fire starts as needed. All firelines are holding and the values at risk remain secure. Crews will continue to strengthen and hold established lines and utilize strategic firing operations to remove fuels where necessary.
Division DD: Crews will work to extend the completed line from Redfish Lake by prepping along the Decker Flats Road south past the Fish Hatchery. Fire mangers are continuing to assess the values at risk south along Highway 75 and look for opportunities for indirect line placement. The objective is to check the fire’s progress in the event it moves out of Sawtooth Wilderness towards Highway 75 and values at risk. The fire in the Wilderness is slowly growing towards the south and east but is not threatening values at this time.
Division HH: The indirect fireline around Goat Falls, Stanley, nearby communities, and down to the Stanley Ranger Station has been completed and crews will be improving and strengthening the line.
Division KK and Structure Group East: Crews will continue to secure and mop up along control lines in both Crooked Creek and Iron Creek areas. The large spot east of Highway 21 has remained secure throughout the past two days and fire managers continue to be confident in its status. Crews will continue to assess and mop up within the spot ensuring it poses no threat to the community. Personnel will continue to patrol the contained portions of the fireline in this division.
Division PP: The finger of the fire that crossed Highway 21 has not progressed as crews continue to secure the edge. The fire in Thatcher Creek continues to move north and east towards the highway and crews are securing the fire’s edge and mopping up to prevent future flare-ups that may lead to spotting across the highway. Crews will again work at the Bradley Boy Scout Camp, prepping the area in the event the fire crosses Highway 21 further to the northwest.
Division MM: Crews again experienced active fire behavior yesterday. The firelines continue to hold. Crews will remain vigilant within the Bull Trout Lake area, securing the fire’s edge and watching for spot fires. The fire is active around Copper Mountain where it is progressing down slope to Highway 21. Crews will assess opportunities to implement strategic firing operations to control its movement and bring it slowly down to the highway.
Division WW and Structure Group West: The fire is in Casner Creek above the Warm Springs airstrip and is continuing to back to the southwest against prevailing winds. Firefighters are working the fire’s edge to ensure that it comes down the creek in an even manner and does not make a run back towards the airstrip. The prep work, firelines and hoses lays around the Sourdough Lodge area, and the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks will continue today. The fire has crossed the Warm Springs drainage to the north and is slowly progressing towards the Eight Mile Fire scar. Crews continue patrolling within Hanging Valley and the Wapiti Creek area, along the 524 road, and the Grandjean area looking for hot spots and removing hazards.
Division VV: The fire has entered Chapman Creek and fire managers are assessing opportunities for strategic firing operations to check the fire’s progress to the southwest and tie it into Highway 21.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior:
After a few days of active weather, a ridge of high pressure will bring warm temperatures and dry conditions. The morning inversion will keep lower elevations smoky until it breaks around 1:00 pm. Winds will be light, and out of the southwest in Branch IV, and northwest in Branch VI with gusts up to 20 mph and decreasing after 7:00 pm. Adverse and challenging fire conditions still exist as heavy fuels such as logs are very dry. The possibility of group torching, short runs, and short-range spotting remains.
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/
Red Cross has established a shelter at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at 24695 US-93, Challis, ID.
To sign up for Custer County CodeRED emergency notifications, text CUSTER to 99411 or enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/
To sign up for Boise County Alert Sense emergency notification enroll online at https://public.alertsense.com/
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
State Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130 for public and firefighter safety.
A Wapiti Fire Area Closure / Forest Order: 0414-04-151 for portions of the Boise, Sawtooth, and Salmon-Challis National Forests can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Boise National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order: 0402-00-63 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Sawtooth National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order 0414-00-044 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Fire restrictions on state and private lands may be found at this site: https://www.idl.idaho.gov/
A Temporary Flight Restriction is in place over the Wapiti Fire. Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit http://knowbeforeyoufly.org.
Wapiti Fire Update
Sunday, September 3, 2024
Comments by Mayor of Stanley, Steve Botti
The City of Stanley and The Salmon River Clinic and various partners are focusing on mental health concerns of the community. Please reach out for support and practice excellent self-care during this stressful time. The City of Stanley is trying to mobilize resources to create opportunities for health and mental well-being for the community. They want to support the community to build coping skills, even in these very challenging times.
INFO BELOW FROM Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 208-593-7132 (public) 208-901-8973 (media) Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov
InciWeb: https://inciweb.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Information Linktree: https://linktr.ee/
Interactive Map: https://tinyurl.com/
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: over 108,017 acres
Containment: 2%
Total Personnel: 1510
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
Special Notes: There will be a Wapiti Fire community meeting at the fire station in Lowman at 6:00 pm tonight. Officials will also be present to answer questions about the Nellie Fire. The meeting will be streamed live on Facebook (see above link for access).
State Highway 21 remains closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. Highway 75 remains open.
Current Situation: Unstable weather allowed the fire to became very active in the afternoon yesterday as thunderstorms, lightning and winds moved into the area. Resources from the fire assisted and will continue to assist the local Forests with initial attack to extinguish any new fire starts. The clear air allowed for greater utilization of air resources with retardant and water drops supporting the efforts on the ground for both the Wapiti Fire and local initial attack. It was proven yesterday that the long hours of work put in by the firefighters to establish and strengthen firelines around communities and other values at risk was effective in checking the fire’s threat. All the firelines held and the values at risk remain secure. Crews will remain on alert today as they continue to strengthen and hold established lines.
Division DD: Crews completed the indirect line from the Stanley Ranger Station to Redfish Lake. They will be working to extend the line from the Fish Hatchery south along the Decker Flats Road. This indirect line will check the fire’s progress in the event it moves out of Sawtooth Wilderness towards Highway 75 and values at risk. The fire in the Wilderness is slowly growing towards the south and east but is not threatening values at this time.
Division HH: Crews and heavy equipment have completed the indirect fireline around Goat Falls, Stanley and nearby communities, extending the fireline from Goat Falls to the Stanley Ranger Station. Personnel will continue to work on strengthening the line. This indirect line ties in with the indirect line being constructed in Division DD.
Division KK and Structure Group East: All lines held in this area. Crews will continue to secure and mop up along control lines in the Iron Creek area. Firefighters will remain in and around communities and other values at risk, watching for spot fires, maintaining defensible space and mopping up. Fire managers are feeling more comfortable with the security of the large spot east of Highway 21, as it remained secure through yesterday’s weather. It posed no threat to the community and crews will continue to assess and mop up within the spot.
Division PP: Crews continued to secure the fire’s edge and mop up in the finger that crossed Highway 21. They are also evaluating options for checking the fire’s progress to prevent its movement north of Thatcher Creek. Crews will again work at the Bradley Boy Scout Camp and other surrounding structures, prepping the area in the event the fire crosses Highway 21 further to the northwest.
Division MM: Crews experienced active fire behavior testing their lines yesterday. The firelines held and crews were able to check the fire’s progress. They will remain vigilant within the Bull Trout Lake area, securing the fire’s edge and watching for spot fires. Crews continue to prep along the Highway 21 corridor and have been checking the fire’s progress as it pushes west and northwest along the eastside of the highway.
Division WW and Structure Group West: The fire will continue to back in this area against prevailing winds and is checked up above the Warm Spring air strip. Fire managers are assessing opportunities to stop the fire’s progress in Casner Creek should it progress that far. The prep work, firelines and hoses lays around the Sourdough Lodge area, and the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks will continue today. The fire has crossed the Warm Springs drainage to the north and is slowly progressing towards the Eight Mile Fire scar. Crews continue patrolling within Hanging Valley and the Wapiti area, along the 524 road, and the Grandjean area looking for hot spots and removing hazards.
Division VV: The fire has entered Chapman Creek and fire managers will be assessing this area to see how they can check the fire’s progress to the southwest.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior:
The weather will remain unstable as a low-pressure system passes through the area. It will bring scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms and winds from the west northwest with gust between 15 to 25 mph. Temperatures will remain relatively moderate with relative humidity between 25-30%. The inversion will remain in place until late morning, then lifting and clearing to sunny skies. The unstable atmosphere today is conducive for challenging fire behavior.
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/
Red Cross has established a shelter at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at 24695 US-93, Challis, ID.
To sign up for Custer County CodeRED emergency notifications, text CUSTER to 99411 or enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/
To sign up for Boise County Alert Sense emergency notification enroll online at https://public.alertsense.com/
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
State Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130 for public and firefighter safety.
A Wapiti Fire Area Closure / Forest Order: 0414-04-151 for portions of the Boise, Sawtooth, and Salmon-Challis National Forests can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Boise National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order: 0402-00-63 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Sawtooth National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order 0414-00-044 can be found at this site: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Fire restrictions on state and private lands may be found at this site: https://www.idl.idaho.gov/
A Temporary Flight Restriction is in place over the Wapiti Fire. Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit http://knowbeforeyoufly.org.
August 30, 2024 Wapiti Fire Information Afternoon Update
Red Flag Warning Issued September 1, 2:33 PM until September 2 at 10PM.
READY, SET, GO Alert and Map. |
Evacuation Order - Level 3 - GO NOW.
Custer County:
- Stanley area Notification Zone 1
Boise County:
- Community of Hanging Valley, due to the Highway 21 closure
Evacuation Warning - Level 2 - Set
Custer County:
- Stanley area Notification Lower Section of Zone 2
-This includes area north of Museum Road including the town of Lower Stanley and the Gateway community.
- Stanley area Upper Section of Notification Zone 2
-This includes the City of Stanley
- Stanley area Notification Zone 3
Boise County:
- Ten Ax Subdivision
- Two Ravens Subdivision
- Seven Peaks Subdivision
Evacuation Advisory - Level 1 - Ready
Custer County:
- Stanley Notification Zone 4
- Stanley Notification Zone 5 (directly west of Zone 4)
- Casino Zone: Includes the area on both sides of Hwy 75-East of Elkhorn Creek and West of Basin Creek
Boise County:
- Hwy 21 Residents between Milepost 82 through 85

For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/
August 30, 2024
Custer County Evacuated Property Owners
can Visit their Homes Aug 31, AM
Custer County Sheriff-Idaho – Facebook Post Aug 30 – Click Here
Custer Emergency Services will be providing an escort for property owners tomorrow August 31, 2024.
All property owners for the Homestead, Iron Creek, Crooked Creek, Goat Way, and Cow Camp Areas will have to bring identification and sign in at the Emergency Operation Office located behind City Hall between 7:00 am and 8:00 am.
Once you have been issued a pass, you will proceed to the roadblock. At 8:30 sharp there will be one escort into the area. Everyone must get in and get out, as all passes must be returned to the roadblock attendant by 11:00am.
All info below is from the previous Fire Update on Aug 30
Zone 1 is still in the GO Status. If you are in Zone 1,
All of Zone 2 and Zone 3 are now in SET Status.
Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
ZONE 4, ZONE 5 (Directly west of Zone 4), and Casino Zone are now
in READY Status
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
Rocky Mountain CIMT1 hosted a community meeting yesterday in Stanley. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on the Facebook page
Is set up at the LDS Church in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
We will be collecting Thank You Cards for the firefighters at The Sawtooth Business Center, 101 Empty Saddle Rd, Hailey, ID 83333 and delivering them to incident command as they are received.
If you would like to extend your gratitude, please drop them off during business hours in the basket at the front desk!
August 29, 2024
1:15 PM
Zone 1 and the LOWER PART of Zone 2 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1 or Lower Zone 2 (North of Museum Road),
Upper Part of Zone 2, Zone 3, and the
NEW Casino Zone is now in SET Status –
Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
ZONE 4 and ZONE 5 (Directly west of Zone 4) are now moved to READY Status
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 6 p.m.
Stanley Community Building, 500 Eva Falls Avenue, Stanley, Idaho
The Meeting can be watched virtually on Facebook at
In the event that Custer County Evacuation Zone 2, which includes Stanley,
goes into “GO” evacuation status, the meeting will be held by livestream and the
in-person meeting will be cancelled.
Is set up at the LDS Church in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
We will be collecting Thank You Cards for the firefighters at The Sawtooth Business Center, 101 Empty Saddle Rd, Hailey, ID 83333 and delivering them to incident command as they are received.
If you would like to extend your gratitude, please drop them off during business hours in the basket at the front desk!
August 28, 2024
Zone 1 and the LOWER PART of Zone 2 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1 or Lower Zone 2 (North of Museum Road),
Upper Part of Zone 2, Zone 3, and the
NEW Casino Zone is now in SET Status –
Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
ZONE 4 and ZONE 5 (Directly west of Zone 4) are now moved to READY Status
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
American Red Cross
Is set up at the LDS Church in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
August 28, 2024
11:30 am
Zone 1 and the LOWER PART of Zone 2 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1 or Lower Zone 2 (North of Museum Road),
Upper Part of Zone 2, Zone 3, and the
NEW Casino Zone is now in SET Status –
Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
ZONE 4 and ZONE 5 (Directly west of Zone 4) are now moved to READY Status
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
American Red Cross
Is set up at the LDS Church in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
August 27, 2024 ~ Afternoon
Zone 1 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1,
There is a Red Cross Aid Station in Challis at the LDS Church, there is another being established in Ketchum/Hailey shortly.
Upper Part of Zone 2 is still in SET Status – Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
Zone 3 is still at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert.
A NEW ZONE – Casino Zone – Has been established Northeast of Zone 2 and is located East of Elkhorn Creek and West of Basin Creek. This Zone is in READY Stage
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located. ( An updated one with Casino Zone is still being created)
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
A public meeting will be held in Lowman, Idaho on August 27, 2024 at 6pm. More information to come.
American Red Cross
Is on Standby in Challis at the Community Center – if you need assistance, call 1-800-RED-CROSS
August 27, 2024
EMERGENCY ALERT:Zone 1 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1, PLEASE EVACUATE NOW. Zone 2 is still at the SET status. Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe. Zone 3 is still at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert. See Map Below to see where your Zone is located. ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 84 and 130. COMMUNITY MEETING A public meeting will be held in Lowman, Idaho on August 27, 2024 at 6pm. More information to come. American Red Cross Is on Standby in Challis at the Community Center – if you need assistance, call 1-800-RED-CROSS |
August 26, 2024 - Afternoon
Zone 1 is still in the GO stage.
Burnout lines will be built near Iron Creek.
Expect to see SIGNIFICANT increase in smoke and flames tonight during burnout operations. This tactic is used to protect structures and other values at risk.
Zone 2 is still at the SET status. Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
Zone 3 is still at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert.
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
This Map DOES NOT reflect current fire position.
CURRENT fire and closure map is BELOW ZONE MAP
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
A public meeting will be held in Lowman, Idaho on August 27, 2024 at 6pm. More information to come.
American Red Cross
Is on Standby in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below. CUSTER ZONE MAP This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness. CODE RED and IPAWS 1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in. 2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or 3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF 4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts. 5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in. |
An updated map for 8/26/2024 can be found on inciweb at https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire Map 8/26/24
Wapiti Fire info from August 26, 2024
The fire is currently mapped at over 68,124 acres.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: over 68,124 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 522
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
Special Notes: Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1 (RM CIMT1) hosted a community meeting Sunday, August 25, 2024, at the Stanley Community Building in Stanley, ID. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on our Facebook page Wapiti Fire Information 2024 as well as our Youtube page.
A second community meeting will be held at the fire station in Lowman at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 27. An update on the Middle Fork Complex will also be provided by Great Basin CIMT3.
State Highway 21 is closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. The closure is necessary for public safety and to provide safe conditions for firefighters working along the highway.
Current Situation: On Sunday, cloud cover moved out earlier than expected and fire activity picked up. Firefighters continued prepping around structures in the subdivisions near Stanley as well as along Highway 21 towards Lowman. The fire is now 68,124 acres, having moved very little over the weekend. The suppression focus is on protecting structures and communities with dozer and hand lines, air resources, and establishing hose lays, and then strengthening these efforts with strategic firing operations. The overall strategy remains full suppression of the fire. All activities are being coordinated on the ground with Resource Advisors to protect known values.
Division KK and Structure Group East: Crews will continue to mop up around structures in the Cow Camp area. The fire has been slowly backing down towards Highway 21. Yesterday and last night, crews burned out along Highway 21 north of Homestead, bringing the fire around Homestead and strengthening the protection features around the community. The structure group is continuing prep work around Crooked Creek, Iron Creek, and Goat Falls communities. Crews are working to get this work done before the anticipated winds shift later in the week, which could push the fire in a southeasterly direction. These firelines have been plumbed with hose lays, supported with water tanks, pumps, and sprinkler systems.
Division PP: Work continues to clear trees along the Highway 21 corridor and mop up the areas where the fire crossed the road. The objective is to open the highway for safe travel for incident resources, mop up around structures, and establish containment lines to prevent future fire growth.
Division MM: Fire managers are assessing and implementing point protection around values at risk in the Bull Trout Lake area. They will be focusing their efforts around the Boy Scout Camp and campground. It is anticipated that fire activity will pick up in this area today and strategic firing operations may be initiated to protect these values.
Division WW and Structure Group West: The fire is slowly backing into the Warms Springs drainage and fire managers are evaluating opportunities to conduct strategic firing operations to bring the fire down to the bottom of the drainage. Crews are assessing and implementing plans around the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks to begin point protection work. They will also continue mopping up around structures in Hanging Valley and Bear Valley, along the 524 road and the Grandjean area. Fire managers are continuing to work with the Lowman Fire Chief to assess values at risk, point protection needs, and containment opportunities in the area between Warm Springs and Lowman along the Highway 21 corridor.
Notes from Collaborators 9am Meeting on Aug 26th
-This is the #1 priority fire for the nation.
-Structure protection, minimizing impact to local economy, resources, and fire fighter safety are priorities.
-Burnout lines are planned around Iron Creek and Crooked Creek. Burnout operations occurred around Homestead subdivision last night – this increased smoke, but was a tactical operation to reduce fire risk to those structures. Burnout operations will continue today in the grass and shrub areas.
-Smoke impacts will continue throughout Stanley and the surrounding areas.
-Access to Iron Creek is currently restricted due to fire behavior. Watch for updates on facebook for more details https://www.facebook.com/SVWFC or Custer County-Sheriff Facebook Page
-Moisture dried out starting yesterday afternoon and drier conditions are expected to continue this week. Winds will shift on Tuesday (blowing from the SW) and Wednesday (blowing from the NW). This could cause fire spread and spotting along the east side of the fire.
-Crews are able to link the fire back into existing Halstead Fire scar where it will likely not spread.
-New technology is being used to map the fire.
-A new, larger FS closure will be implemented likely on Wednesday–more on that to come.
-Power is shut off along the Boyscout Line, but there is no current plan to cut power anywhere else unless safety becomes a concern.
“The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions.” – Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page
Zone 1 is GO stage- evacuation order is in place for Zone 1.
Zone 2 is SET Stage
Zone 3 is in READY Stage
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/Custer-County-Sheriff-Idaho-61558947312289/ and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/boisecountysheriff/ .
** Effective as of August 24, 2024, Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior
Temperatures should continue to warm throughout the week and humidities will decrease. Cloud cover will clear out, allowing for fine dead fuels to dry and warm. This will increase fire behavior, resulting in the potential for increased rates of spread, torching, and spotting.
Closure Order in effect 8/25/24
All Areas in the Below map that are highlighted
in yellow are CLOSED
Closure Order information located at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 26, 2024
Zone 1 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1, you need to evacuate now. If you need to access your property in Zone 1, you MUST have an escort from the closure boundary.
Zone 2 is still at the SET status. Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
Zone 3 is still at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert.
See Map Below to see where your Zone is located.
This Map DOES NOT reflect current fire position.
CURRENT fire and closure map is BELOW ZONE MAP
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
A public meeting will be held in Lowman, Idaho on August 27, 2024 at 6pm. More information to come.
American Red Cross
Is on Standby in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.
This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.
1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in.
2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or
3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF
4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts.
5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in.
An updated map for 8/26/2024 can be found on inciweb at https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire info from August 26, 2024
The fire is currently mapped at over 68,124 acres.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: over 68,124 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 522
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
Special Notes: Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1 (RM CIMT1) hosted a community meeting Sunday, August 25, 2024, at the Stanley Community Building in Stanley, ID. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on our Facebook page Wapiti Fire Information 2024 as well as our Youtube page.
A second community meeting will be held at the fire station in Lowman at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 27. An update on the Middle Fork Complex will also be provided by Great Basin CIMT3.
State Highway 21 is closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. The closure is necessary for public safety and to provide safe conditions for firefighters working along the highway.
Current Situation: On Sunday, cloud cover moved out earlier than expected and fire activity picked up. Firefighters continued prepping around structures in the subdivisions near Stanley as well as along Highway 21 towards Lowman. The fire is now 68,124 acres, having moved very little over the weekend. The suppression focus is on protecting structures and communities with dozer and hand lines, air resources, and establishing hose lays, and then strengthening these efforts with strategic firing operations. The overall strategy remains full suppression of the fire. All activities are being coordinated on the ground with Resource Advisors to protect known values.
Division KK and Structure Group East: Crews will continue to mop up around structures in the Cow Camp area. The fire has been slowly backing down towards Highway 21. Yesterday and last night, crews burned out along Highway 21 north of Homestead, bringing the fire around Homestead and strengthening the protection features around the community. The structure group is continuing prep work around Crooked Creek, Iron Creek, and Goat Falls communities. Crews are working to get this work done before the anticipated winds shift later in the week, which could push the fire in a southeasterly direction. These firelines have been plumbed with hose lays, supported with water tanks, pumps, and sprinkler systems.
Division PP: Work continues to clear trees along the Highway 21 corridor and mop up the areas where the fire crossed the road. The objective is to open the highway for safe travel for incident resources, mop up around structures, and establish containment lines to prevent future fire growth.
Division MM: Fire managers are assessing and implementing point protection around values at risk in the Bull Trout Lake area. They will be focusing their efforts around the Boy Scout Camp and campground. It is anticipated that fire activity will pick up in this area today and strategic firing operations may be initiated to protect these values.
Division WW and Structure Group West: The fire is slowly backing into the Warms Springs drainage and fire managers are evaluating opportunities to conduct strategic firing operations to bring the fire down to the bottom of the drainage. Crews are assessing and implementing plans around the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks to begin point protection work. They will also continue mopping up around structures in Hanging Valley and Bear Valley, along the 524 road and the Grandjean area. Fire managers are continuing to work with the Lowman Fire Chief to assess values at risk, point protection needs, and containment opportunities in the area between Warm Springs and Lowman along the Highway 21 corridor.
Notes from Collaborators 9am Meeting on Aug 26th
-This is the #1 priority fire for the nation.
-Structure protection, minimizing impact to local economy, resources, and fire fighter safety are priorities.
-Burnout lines are planned around Iron Creek and Crooked Creek. Burnout operations occurred around Homestead subdivision last night – this increased smoke, but was a tactical operation to reduce fire risk to those structures. Burnout operations will continue today in the grass and shrub areas.
-Smoke impacts will continue throughout Stanley and the surrounding areas.
-Access to Iron Creek is currently restricted due to fire behavior. Watch for updates on facebook for more details https://www.facebook.com/SVWFC or Custer County-Sheriff Facebook Page
-Moisture dried out starting yesterday afternoon and drier conditions are expected to continue this week. Winds will shift on Tuesday (blowing from the SW) and Wednesday (blowing from the NW). This could cause fire spread and spotting along the east side of the fire.
-Crews are able to link the fire back into existing Halstead Fire scar where it will likely not spread.
-New technology is being used to map the fire.
-A new, larger FS closure will be implemented likely on Wednesday–more on that to come.
-Power is shut off along the Boyscout Line, but there is no current plan to cut power anywhere else unless safety becomes a concern.
“The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions.” – Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page
Zone 1 is GO stage- evacuation order is in place for Zone 1.
Zone 2 is SET Stage
Zone 3 is in READY Stage
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/Custer-County-Sheriff-Idaho-61558947312289/ and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/boisecountysheriff/ .
** Effective as of August 24, 2024, Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior
Temperatures should continue to warm throughout the week and humidities will decrease. Cloud cover will clear out, allowing for fine dead fuels to dry and warm. This will increase fire behavior, resulting in the potential for increased rates of spread, torching, and spotting.
Closure Order in effect 8/25/24
All Areas in the Below map that are highlighted
in yellow are CLOSED
Closure Order information located at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 25, 2024
Zone 1 is still in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1, you need to evacuate now. If you need to access your property in Zone 1, you MUST have an escort from the closure boundary.
Zone 2 is still at the SET status. Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
Zone 3 is still at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert.
See Map Below to see where your Zone is.
This Map DOES NOT reflect current fire position.
CURRENT fire and closure map is BELOW ZONE MAP
State Highway 21 is closed
between mile markers 84 and 130.
A Community meeting is planned for 6pm on Sunday, August 25th, at the Stanley Community Building
500 Eva Falls Avenue, Stanley, ID 83278
American Red Cross
Is on Standby in Challis – if you need assistance,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.
This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.
1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in.
2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or
3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF
4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts.
5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in.
Wapiti Fire Map on Aug 25nd, via https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-maps-gallery/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire info from August 25, 2024
The fire is currently over 68,457 acres.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: 68,457 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 461
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
Current Situation: Saturday, firefighters got a respite from multiple days of Red Flag Warnings and extreme burning conditions, which allowed them to make good progress on assessing current conditions and developing strategic suppression plans. Meanwhile, they continue to protect structures near the fire. The fire is now 68,457 acres and has progressed south of Stanley Lake, moving east towards Highway 21. It has also established itself in the Baron Creek drainage southwest of Stanley. The current focus is to continue protecting structures and communities with dozer and hand lines, air resources, and hose lays to protect the values at risk. This is a full suppression fire, and opportunities to contain the fire’s edge with control lines will be aggressively pursued where appropriate and safe to do so as additional resources arrive on the incident.
Division KK and Structure Group East: Crews will continue to mop up around structures in the Cow Camp area. The structure group in this division is constructing lines around Halstead, Iron Creek, Goat Falls, and Stanley communities using dozers and hand line and tying them into Highways 21 and 75. All activities are being coordinated on the ground with Resource Advisors to protect known values. These firelines will then be plumbed with hose lays, water tanks, pumps, and sprinkler systems for structure protection. Fire managers will look for opportunities to construct containment lines to check the fire’s progress south.
Division PP: Work continues to clear trees along the Highway 21 corridor and mop up the areas where the fire crossed the road. The objective is to open the road for safe travel for incident resources, mop up around structures, and establish containment lines to prevent future fire growth. Fire spread was limited on Saturday within this area, and today fire behavior should continue to be muted allowing for continued progress towards containment.
Division MM: Fire managers are assessing locations for constructing containment lines to arrest the north and northwest progression of the fire and working on point protection around structures within the area.
Division WW and Structure Group West: A UAS (Unmanned Aerial System, or drone) was used in the Warms Springs drainage to evaluate the fire’s progress west and identify opportunities for aerial ignition under controlled conditions to bring the fire down to the bottom of the drainage and contain it. There are no plans currently to initiate a firing operation in this area. Crews continue mopping up around structures to further secure them in the event fire activity increases. Fire managers are working with the Lowman Fire Chief to assess values at risk, point protection needs, and containment opportunities in that area between Warm Springs and Lowman along the Highway 21 corridor.
Notes from Collaborators 9am Meeting on Aug 25th
-This is the #1 priority fire for the nation.
-Structure protection, minimizing impact to local economy, resources, and fire fighter safety are priorities.
-Lines are being prepped and implemented around subdivisions on the NE side of the fire to reduce potential for fire spread within those communities, including Iron Creek and Crooked Creek.
-The Incident Management Team has more meteorological stations (RAWS) and weather balloons are collecting more detailed information.
-Smoke is expected to be present around Stanley today and the north side of the fire. Smoke quantity should reduce a bit today around 1500, but increase again tonight.
-Access to Iron Creek will require will require an escort
REDFISH LAKE is Being Used as a water source.
“The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions.” – Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page
Zone 1 is GO stage- evacuation order is in place for Zone 1.
Zone 2 is SET Stage
Zone 3 is in READY Stage
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/Custer-County-Sheriff-Idaho-61558947312289/ and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/boisecountysheriff/ . Red Cross is set up in the Stanley Community Center to assist fire evacuee
** Effective as of August 24, 2024, Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior
A cold upper-level low pressure system will slowly depart Central Idaho today, with a 25% chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. The fire’s behavior will be substantially moderated again today with limited fire spread, and no appreciable growth of the fire is expected.
Closure Order in effect 8/25/24
All Areas in the Below map that are highlighted
in yellow are CLOSED
Closure Order information located at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 24, 2024
EMERGENCY ALERT: Zone 1 is now in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1, you need to evacuate now.
Zone 2 is now at the SET status. Be prepared to evacuate if it switches to GO. Have your emergency kits ready to go. Contact loved ones and tell them your plan. Leave if you do not feel safe.
Zone 3 is now at the READY stage. Pack your to-go bags and be alert.
See Map Below to see where your Zone is.
ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 84 and 130.
COMMUNITY MEETING A Community meeting is planned for 6pm on Sunday, August 25th, at the Stanley Community Building 500 Eva Falls Avenue, Stanley, ID 83278
American Red Cross Station Is set up in the Stanley Community Center to assist fire evacuees.
Fire is now over 45,000 acres.
Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1 (RM CIMT1) assumed management of the Wapiti Fire at 6:00 am this morning. Fire is expanding significantly on the northeastern corner across Stanley lake and crossing State Highway 21 to the north. It has also grown westward and crossed Highway 21 on the fire’s west side, as well as moving towards the Warm Springs area east of Lowman. Crews, engines, heavy equipment, and aircraft are working to secure structures and other values at risk through point protection strategies throughout the fire affected area.
Crews have been working on structure assessments and implementing point protection tactics along the Highway 21 corridor from the northern extension of the fire south to Stanley. This includes noting hazards such as fuel tanks and flammable vegetation near structures, as well as deploying hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems around improvements in the wildland-urban interface. Today, a Structure Protection Group East has been established to continue and expand this work.
In the interior of the fire, around Grandjean and along the 524 Road, engines and crews continue 24 hour a day work to mop up around structures and secure the area to prevent any potential for reburns to occur.
Crews on the west side of the fire are also working 24 hours a day to protect structures from the fire’s westward advance. Fireline around structures and hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems have been deployed. A Structure Protection Group West has been established today to continue and expand this work. Structure assessments are ongoing in the Warm Springs area. Further north, fire managers are assessing the fire’s recent advancement across Highway 21 and are developing suppression strategies for containing that portion of the fire.
Redfish Lake is being used as a water source.
“The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions.” – Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.
This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.
1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in.
2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or
3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF
4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts.
5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in.
Wapiti Fire Map on Aug 24nd, via https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-maps-gallery/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire info from August 23, 2024
Wapiti Fire info from August 24, 2024
The fire is currently over 45,000 acres.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: over 45,000 acres
Containment: 10%
Total Personnel: 420
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
Current Situation: Multiple days of Red Flag Warnings and extreme burning conditions have been a challenge for firefighters on the Wapiti Fire. It is estimated that the fire has grown to over 45,000 acres over the period, expanding most significantly on the northeastern corner across Stanley Lake and crossing State Highway 21 to the north. It has also grown westward and crossed Highway 21 on the fire’s west side, as well as moving towards the Warm Springs area east of Lowman. Crews, engines, heavy equipment, and aircraft are working to secure structures and other values at risk through point protection strategies throughout the fire affected area.
Crews have been working on structure assessments and implementing point protection tactics along the Highway 21 corridor from the northern extension of the fire south to Stanley. This includes noting hazards such as fuel tanks and flammable vegetation near structures, as well as deploying hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems around improvements in the wildland-urban interface. Today, a Structure Protection Group East has been established to continue and expand this work.
In the interior of the fire, around Grandjean and along the 524 Road, engines and crews continue 24 hour a day work to mop up around structures and secure the area to prevent any potential for reburns to occur.
Crews on the west side of the fire are also working 24 hours a day to protect structures from the fire’s westward advance. Fireline around structures and hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems have been deployed. A Structure Protection Group West has been established today to continue and expand this work. Structure assessments are ongoing in the Warm Springs area. Further north, fire managers are assessing the fire’s recent advancement across Highway 21 and are developing suppression strategies for containing that portion of the fire.
Zone 1 is GO stage- evacuation order is in place for Zone 1.
Zone 2 is SET Stage
Zone 3 is in READY Stage
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/Custer-County-Sheriff-Idaho-61558947312289/ and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/boisecountysheriff/ . Red Cross is set up in the Stanley Community Center to assist fire evacuee
** Effective as of August 24, 2024, Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior
Red Flag Warning conditions existed yesterday, leading to extreme fire behavior. Afternoon SSW winds over the fire were sustained at 40-45 mph, and relative humidity was 15-20%. A cold front moved in from the SW overnight, bringing increasing humidity and cloud cover with a possibility of scattered showers over the next 24 hours. Precipitation may average about 0.10 inch, which could moderate fire behavior for a day or two. Skies will clear Sunday night and nighttime temperatures will drop to around freezing.
Closure Order in effect 8/24/24
All Areas in the Below map that are highlighted in yellow are CLOSED
Closure Order information located at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 23, 2024
EMERGENCY ALERT: Zone 1 is now in the GO stage. If you are in Zone 1, you need to evacuate now. Emergency operation center is located behind the Stanley City Hall. Zone 2 will remain in the READY status.
ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 92 and 129. FIRE UPDATE: Fire is actively moving north along Elk Creek this morning. The fire is expected to jump Highway 21. IC command post is being moved to Valley Road. SANLEY LAKE RECREATION COMPLEX CLOSURE: "The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions." - Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page A Full Area Closure Map as of Aug 22ndcan be found below.
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.
This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.
1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in.
2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or
3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF
4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts.
5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in.
Wapiti Fire Map on Aug 23nd, via https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-maps-gallery/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire info from August 23, 2024
Satellite imagery shows the fire at 35,631 acres.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
Zone 1 is GO stage- evacuation order is in place for Zone 1.
The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. All areas west of Stanley City Limits are CLOSED. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The community of Hanging Valley is in Level 3 “GO” evacuation status due to the Highway 21 closure. Evacuation information will be posted on the Boise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The Bonneville Campground is also closed effective immediately. For closure information, please visit Boise National Forest’s website – Alerts & Closures.
During these critical fire weather days, the protection of communities, historic landmarks, and other values at risk are the primary objectives. Firefighters are utilizing all resources available including helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, and water scoopers; aircraft are utilized as tactics, weather, smoke, and terrain conditions allow safe operations. Firefighter and public safety are always the highest priorities. Smoke will be visible and could impact roadways today, please follow the instructions of emergency responders and drive safely.
** Effective as of August 23, 2024, Highway 21 is closed from MP92 to MP129 from the Grandjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity.
Significant Events for Aug 23:
Strong east wind this morning. The fire is active on Elk Mountain. Dozer lines are being developed around Iron Creek, Crooked Creek, and Homestead Subdivisions. Sprinkler systems will be installed in subdivisions. Additional fire fighting operations will continue aroudn these areas and Stanley Lake, Park Creek, and Elk Mountain.
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Closure Order information located at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 22, 2024
EMERGENCY ALERT: The Wapiti Fire is progressing East along Stanley Lake Creek. Zone 1 is now in SET condition. Cow Camp Ranches, Homestead Subdivision, Crooked Creek Subdivision, ITD Compound, and Iron Creek Subdivisions are now in SET condition. Please refer to the map below to see which Notification Zone you are in.
ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 92 and 106. SANLEY LAKE RECREATION COMPLEX CLOSURE: "The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions." - Via Sawtooth NRA Facebook Page A Full Area Closure Map as of Aug 21st, at 1200 can be found below.
***Important Message****
****from Custer County Emergency Management*****
Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.
During the Bench Lake Fire there has been a ZONE MAP set up for the surrounding areas. This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.
1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in.
2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or
3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF
4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts.
5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in.
Wapiti Fire Map on Aug 22nd, via https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-maps-gallery/idbof-wapiti-fire
Wapiti Fire info from Aug 22 @ 0854
- 17,520 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 258
- Resources on-site: 3 hot shot crews; 3 type 2 hand crews; 24 engines; 3 water tenders; 1 skidgen
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. All areas west of Stanley City Limits are CLOSED. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The community of Hanging Valley is in Level 3 “GO” evacuation status due to the Highway 21 closure. Evacuation information will be posted on the Boise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The Bonneville Campground is also closed effective immediately. For closure information, please visit Boise National Forest’s website – Alerts & Closures.
During these critical fire weather days, the protection of communities, historic landmarks, and other values at risk are the primary objectives. Firefighters are utilizing all resources available including helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, and water scoopers; aircraft are utilized as tactics, weather, smoke, and terrain conditions allow safe operations. Firefighter and public safety are always the highest priorities. Smoke will be visible and could impact roadways today, please follow the instructions of emergency responders and drive safely.
** Effective as of August 20, 2024, 8:34 AM, Highway 21 is closed from MP92 to MP107 from the Grandjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity.
This area starts at Forest Road 025RC (MP 92) which accesses Warm Springs Guard Station and air strip to the Custer County line MP107. This closure is to provide safety for firefighters completing strategic firing operations along Highway 21 to reduce hazardous fuels and limit fire intensity.
Significant Events for Aug 22:
Active fire behavior, with surface burning in timber/understory, group torching, short-range spotting into receptive dead fuels. Wind and slope alignment along with hot dry conditions lead to continued fire growth to the northeast. Live woody fuels beginning to be receptive to fire and can contribute to spread when accompanied by stronger up slope/up drainage winds and solar heating. Fire remains active overnight in the thermal belt above 7000 ft.
Wapiti Fire Planned Actions for Aug 22:
South Side of Wapiti: Maintain protections for wildland urban interface in Wapiti Creek, Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Sawtooth Lodge and infrastructure in the Grandjean area.
North Side of Wapiti: Maintain protections for wildland urban interface in the Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area and Grandjean area. Patrol/monitor fire perimeter. Ensure fire edge is secured.
Highway 21: Maintain protections for wildland urban interface along Highway 21. Patrol and monitor fire impacting Highway 21.
Stanley Lake area: Develop and implement wildland urban interface strategy and tactics for communities and infrastructure north of Stanley.
Structure Group: Assess and implement wildland Urban Interface strategy and tactics in and around Hanging Valley and Warm Springs.
Add night shift to fire area to provide 24-hour protection to the wildland urban interface.
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Elevated fire weather conditions persisted across the region Wednesday. Once the inversion lifted, RH fell into the 18-25% range while temperatures warmed into the upper 70s and 80s under mostly sunny skies. Winds continued to be driven by slope and drainage flows across most areas, with upper exposed ridgelines experiencing west-southwesterly winds gusting 10-15 mph. The inversion will return after sunset, while a thermal belt keeps RH values in the 30-40% range overnight above 6000 feet.
A Red Flag Warning is in effect for the area Thursday, as hot and very dry conditions combine with gusty south winds to produce critical fire weather conditions. Once the inversion lifts by early afternoon, RH will fall to near 10% while temperatures climb into the upper 80s and 90s. General winds Thursday afternoon will become southerly, gusting to 20-25 mph along ridgelines and through aligned drainages. Southerly winds will persist into Friday, ahead of a cold front which will cross the area Friday evening.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire.
Closure information and maps are posted on the Forest’s website and the fire’s Inciweb page as they are in place. https://tinyurl.com/2u8v3pf7
This report provided by: Public Information Office, Northern Rockies Team 5
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 21, 2024
ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 92 and 106. Stanley Lake Recreation Complex CLOSURE: The WapitiFire has now jumped the ridge of the Sawtooths and established in the Elk Creek and Stanley Lake Creek drainages. Given the new safety concerns, #SNRA Ranger Kirk Flannigan has made the difficult decision to close Stanley Lake recreation complex, including connecting trails. The legal order will be posted to https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices as soon as it is signed, but implementation of the closure area has started under emergency conditions.
Wapiti Fire info from Aug 21:
- 17,520 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 228
- Resources on-site: 3 hot shot crews; 3 type 2 hand crews; 24 engines; 3 water tenders; 1 skidgen
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. All areas west of Stanley City Limits are CLOSED. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
The community of Hanging Valley is in Level 3 “GO” evacuation status due to the Highway 21 closure. Evacuation information will be posted on the Boise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The Bonneville Campground is also closed effective immediately. For closure information, please visit Boise National Forest’s website – Alerts & Closures.
During these critical fire weather days, the protection of communities, historic landmarks, and other values at risk are the primary objectives. Firefighters are utilizing all resources available including helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, and water scoopers; aircraft are utilized as tactics, weather, smoke, and terrain conditions allow safe operations. Firefighter and public safety are always the highest priorities. Smoke will be visible and could impact roadways today, please follow the instructions of emergency responders and drive safely.
** Effective as of August 20, 2024, 8:34 AM, Highway 21 is closed from MP92 to MP107 from the Grandjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity.
This area starts at Forest Road 025RC (MP 92) which accesses Warm Springs Guard Station and air strip to the Custer County line MP107. This closure is to provide safety for firefighters completing strategic firing operations along Highway 21 to reduce hazardous fuels and limit fire intensity.
Significant Events:
Yesterday, the Wapiti Fire experienced continued active fire behavior due to weather conditions, fuels and terrain. The fire crossed the river, and the alignment of slopes and winds allowed the fire to spread by group torching and long-range spotting to the north/northwest. Firefighters were able to assess structures that were impacted by fire during the red flag conditions on August 17th.
Wapiti Fire:The Wapiti Fire continues to grow with active fire behavior with group torching, long range spotting, and terrain driven runs. Yesterday the fire grew over 8,000 acres. Firefighters conducted strategic firing operations to limit the spread to the northwest, consuming fuels between the active fire and the 2003 Canyon Creek Fire area. Crews continued to mop-up fire and hotspots throughout the day and night for Sawtooth Lodge, Bear Creek, Camp Creek, and Wapiti Creek Summer Home areas. Fire is expected to continue to spread downhill and along the ridge lines to the west and north. Firefighters will continue to operate along Highway 21 to prevent the fire from impacting the highway and growing to the west.
Today, crews will be staffing the northeast end of the fire, addressing the potential for growth towards Stanley Lake in the Sawtooth National Forest. Two handcrews, heavy equipment and engines are positioning in the Stanley Lake area to take action when the fire approaches the lake, including the Stanley Creek, Ironwood, and Goat communities The Sawtooth National Forest is closing the Stanley Lake Recreation Complex and connecting trails for public safety. Highway 21 remains closed from MP92 to MP107 from the Grandjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity. This area starts at Forest Road 025RC (MP 92), which accesses Warm Springs Guard Station and air strip to the Custer County line MP107
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Critical weather conditions on Monday created hot dry windy conditions that brought active fire behavior. Fire spread due to group torching with spotting up to ½ mile. Today, when the inversion lifts conditions will be elevated to near-critical fire weather throughout the afternoon and evening. Winds will be from the southwest at around 6-12 mph with gusts up to 15-20mph possible. Isolated showers and thunderstorms may be possible east of the Sawtooth Range. These thunderstorms may bring gusty outflow winds that could cause fire to spread. Inversion will settle during the late evening and overnight with light winds across all areas. Due to weather conditions, fire behavior is expected to include group torching, short- and long-range spotting with terrain driven spread through dead and fine fuels again today. As dry weather continues, fuels continue to be very dry and will remain dry. Fire spread will be wind driven and align with slopes and fuel types.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire.
Closure information and maps are posted on the Forest’s website and the fire’s Inciweb page as they are in place. https://tinyurl.com/2u8v3pf7
This report provided by: Public Information Office, Northern Rockies Team 5
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 20, 2024
ROAD CLOSURE: State Highway 21 is closed between mile markers 92 and 106. NEW AND LARGER AREA CLOSURE ANTICIPATED: According to Area Ranger Kirk Flannigan, an updated SNRA Area closure will soon be released, impacting Stanley Lake recreational complex, potentially impacting additional trails and roads in the Sawtooths off Highway 21. Additional closures on the Lowman Ranger District also anticipated.
Map of Wapiti Fire as of Aug 20 0900 from National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) National Fire Situational Awareness Map https://maps.wildfire.gov
Wapiti Fire info from Aug 19:
- 9,049 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel:147
- Resources on-site: 2 type 1 hand crews; 1 type 2 hand crew; 16 engines; 2 water tenders; 1 skidgen, 1 bulldozer
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
The community of Hanging Valley is in Level 3 “GO” evacuation status due to the Highway 21 closure. Evacuation information will be posted on the Boise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The Bonneville Campground is also closed effective immediately. For closure information, please visit Boise National Forest’s website – Alerts & Closures.
During these critical fire weather days, the protection of communities, historic landmarks, and other values at risk are the primary objectives. Firefighters are utilizing all resources available including helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, and water scoopers; aircraft are utilized as tactics, weather, smoke, and terrain conditions allow safe operations. Firefighter and public safety are always the highest priorities. Smoke will be visible and could impact roadways today, please follow the instructions of emergency responders and drive safely.
** Effective as of August 20, 2024, 8:34 AM, Highway 21 is closed from MP92 to MP107 from the Grandjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity.
This area starts at Forest Road 025RC (MP 92) which accesses Warm Springs Guard Station and airstrip to the Custer County line MP107. This closure is to provide safety for firefighters completing strategic firing operations along Highway 21 to reduce hazardous fuels and limit fire intensity.
Significant Events:
Yesterday, the Wapiti Fire experienced continued active fire behavior due to weather conditions, fuels and terrain. The fire crossed the river, and the alignment of slopes and winds allowed the fire to spread by group torching and long-range spotting to the north/northwest. Firefighters were able to assess structures that were impacted by fire during the red flag conditions on August 17th.
Wapiti Fire: The Wapiti Fire had active fire behavior with group torching, long range spotting, and terrain driven runs. Crews continued structure protection throughout the day and night for Sawtooth Lodge, Bear Creek, Camp Creek, and Wapiti Creek Summer Home areas. An additional structure was lost due to showering embers in the Wapiti Summer Homes area. Fire is expected to continue to spread downhill and along the ridge lines to the west and north. Firefighters will be operating along Highway 21 may conduct strategic fire operations if needed, to reduce heavy fuels and limit the intensity of fire spread.
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Critical weather conditions on Monday created hot dry windy conditions that brought active fire behavior. Fire spread due to group torching with spotting up to ½ mile. Today, when the inversion lifts conditions will be elevated to near-critical fire weather throughout the afternoon and evening. Winds will be from the southwest at around 6-12 mph with gusts up to 15-20mph possible. Isolated showers and thunderstorms may be possible east of the Sawtooth Range. These thunderstorms may bring gusty outflow winds that could cause fire to spread. Inversion will settle during the late evening and overnight with light winds across all areas. Due to weather conditions, fire behavior is expected to include group torching, short- and long-range spotting with terrain driven spread through dead and fine fuels again today. As dry weather continues, fuels continue to be very dry and will remain dry. Fire spread will be wind driven and align with slopes and fuel types.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here:
This report provided by: Public Information Office, Northern Rockies Team 5
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 19, 2024 ~ Evening Update
NEW AND LARGER AREA CLOSURE ANTICIPATED: According to Area Ranger Kirk Flannigan, an updated SNRA Area closure will soon be released, potentially impacting additional trails and roads in the Sawtooths, off Highway 21. Additional closures on the Lowman Ranger District also anticipated. ROAD CLOSURE ANTICIPATED: The Boise County Sheriff alerted Stanley Mayor Botti this evening that the Wapiti Fire is close to the highway and Highway 21 may close soon.
- 9,049 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel:147
- Resources on-site: 2 type 1 hand crews; 1 type 2 hand crew; 16 engines; 2 water tenders; 1 skidgen, 1 bulldozer
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
Yesterday critical fire weather was observed however a red flag warning was not issued. Firefighters observed hot, dry windy conditions as the inversion lifted earlier in the day. Due to the heat and conditions, fires were active late into the night again and today conditions are predicted to remain the same and active fire behavior will continue.
Significant Events:
Yesterday, the Wapiti Fire experienced continued active fire behavior due to weather conditions, fuels and terrain. The fire crossed the river, and the alignment of slopes and winds allowed the fire to spread by group torching and long-range spotting to the north/northwest. Firefighters were able to assess structures that were impacted by fire during the red flag conditions on August 17th.
As of 11:34 AM Aug 19, NRT5 reported six structures burned in the Wapiti Summer Home area.
Crews are working 24 hours a day to secure the fire near structures and values at risk. Fixed wing aircraft and helicopters are being used to support the firefighters on the ground, but smoke can limit visibility and access for aerial resources at times.
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Yesterday critical weather conditions continued, and southwest winds continued with gusts on ridges up to 20 mph. Today elevated to near critical fire weather conditions can be expected again this afternoon. The morning inversion will lift early this afternoon and relative humidity will drop by 2 pm. Winds will remain terrain driven across most sheltered areas and south winds will spread across upper ridgelines and into aligned drainages during afternoon and early evening hours. Wapiti and Bulltrout fires may experience scattered showers thunderstorms in the afternoon today. Persistent hot, dry and breezy conditions continue to facilitate large fire growth potential. Group torching, spotting with wind and terrain influence fire movement in the afternoon and fire has been most active between 7pm and 9pm. Critical fire weather is expected to remain in place through Wednesday with changing cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity predicted Thursday and into the weekend.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here:
This report provided by: Public Information Office, Northern Rockies Team 5
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 19, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 9,049 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel:147
- Resources on-site: 2 type 1 hand crews; 1 type 2 hand crew; 16 engines; 2 water tenders; 1 skidgen, 1 bulldozer
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middle Fork Complex comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
Yesterday critical fire weather was observed however a red flag warning was not issued. Firefighters observed hot, dry windy conditions as the inversion lifted earlier in the day. Due to the heat and conditions, fires were active late into the night again and today conditions are predicted to remain the same and active fire behavior will continue.
Significant Events:
Yesterday, the Wapiti Fire experienced continued active fire behavior due to weather conditions, fuels and terrain. The fire crossed the river, and the alignment of slopes and winds allowed the fire to spread by group torching and long-range spotting to the north/northwest. Firefighters were able to assess structures that were impacted by fire during the red flag conditions on August 17th.
As of 11:34 AM Aug 19, NRT5 reported six structures burned in the Wapiti Summer Home area.
Crews are working 24 hours a day to secure the fire near structures and values at risk. Fixed wing aircraft and helicopters are being used to support the firefighters on the ground, but smoke can limit visibility and access for aerial resources at times.
Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor, and the public is reminded to always follow emergency responders’ instructions and drive safely.
Yesterday critical weather conditions continued, and southwest winds continued with gusts on ridges up to 20 mph. Today elevated to near critical fire weather conditions can be expected again this afternoon. The morning inversion will lift early this afternoon and relative humidity will drop by 2 pm. Winds will remain terrain driven across most sheltered areas and south winds will spread across upper ridgelines and into aligned drainages during afternoon and early evening hours. Wapiti and Bulltrout fires may experience scattered showers thunderstorms in the afternoon today. Persistent hot, dry and breezy conditions continue to facilitate large fire growth potential. Group torching, spotting with wind and terrain influence fire movement in the afternoon and fire has been most active between 7pm and 9pm. Critical fire weather is expected to remain in place through Wednesday with changing cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity predicted Thursday and into the weekend.
Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here:
This report provided by: Public Information Office, Northern Rockies Team 5
The United States is now at Preparedness Level 5.
August 18, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 4,943 acres, 10% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 82
- Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 8 engines; 1 water tender
- Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush with heavy dead fuels.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Yesterday a red flag warning was in effect for hot, dry and unstable conditions across the area. Most fires in the area saw increased activity and growth as a result of the hot, dry, windy conditions. Fires were active late into the night. On the Wapiti Fire, due to the increased fire behavior, some structures near the Wapiti Summer Home area were impacted. Firefighters are currently assessing the impacts to these structures.
Community Meeting
Middle Fork Complex, Bull Trout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting today, August 18, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Crouch Community Center, 1022 Old Crouch Road.
Significant Events:
Yesterday, the Wapiti Fire experienced active fire behavior and spotting due to the red flag conditions, terrain and shifting winds. The fire spotted into the 2018 Wapiti fire area and firefighters and helicopters responded to the increased activity.
Some structures within the Wapiti Summer Home area were impacted by the fire.
Today, firefighters are assessing the impacts from the fire and more information will be made available when available.
Projected Incident Activity:
There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread west and north in the South Fork Payette River drainage, with backing, group torching, and short-range spotting fire behavior. Fire continues North and East toward river and Grandjean. South fire spread into the Wapiti Creek drainage with backing, group-torching and spotting fire behavior.
Yesterday a red flag warning was in effect through the evening for hot, dry and unstable conditions across the area. Overnight conditions allowed for continued fire activity until after midnight, with light downslope, down valley winds. Today, critical fire weather conditions continue, and a Red Flag Warning was issued mid-day. The morning inversion will lift early this afternoon allowing relative humidity values to drop for the remainder of the day. Winds will remain terrain driven, across most sheltered areas with southwest winds across the fire area. Backing, group tree torching, and long-range spotting with wind and terrain influenced movement is expected today.
Expanded Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here:
August 17, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 3,979 acres, 0% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 82
- Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 8 engines; 1 water tender
- Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush with heavy dead fuels.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
Significant Events: The Wapiti Fire had a successful strategic firing operation on the northeast side yesterday. Crews were supported by an unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) capable of ignitions. Crews will be holding and securing lines throughout the day. The northwest side of the fire received more precipitation from passing storms and will be monitored for activity.
Projected Incident Activity: Active fire behavior will continue as suppression opportunities are limited. Dead fuels will remain the primary carrier and spread. Backing, group-torching, spotting, and uphill runs will continue to spread the fire to the west, north and south. Dryer, warmer weather forecast through the weekend. Hot dry conditions will continue the drying of live fuels and the potential for them to contribute to fire spread.
Weather: A red flag warning has been issued for this afternoon and into the evening. Southernly winds will increase by early afternoon along upper ridgelines and through wind aligned drainages, while most low-mid elevations remained sheltered. Hot, dry and unstable air will cause fire activity to increase. With higher temperatures and lower relative humidity, the fires will be experiencing a longer burn period. Backing, group tree torching, and short-range spotting is expected. With the changing weather, small dead debris and live fuels are expected to dry and become more susceptible to ignition.
Expanded Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here:
City of Stanley – Mayor Steve Botti – Fire Update
The Wapiti Fire became more active yesterday evening. A broad smoke column was visible around sunset. However, the IDEQ Stanley smoke monitor Air Quality Index reading dropped to 17, as the air remained very clear. At night the smoke began to descend into the Stanley Basin as temperatures fell below freezing. This morning the IDEQ monitor is at 71 (Moderate) and the purpleair monitors are at 111, and 133 (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups)
August 16, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 3,872 acres, 0% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 5
- Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 8 engines; 1 water tender
- Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush with heavy dead fuels.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
The Wapiti fire continues to slowly burn down the north and northeast side. The fire has reached the South Fork of the Payette River to the northeast providing firefighters with a safe location to implement suppression tactics. The west side of the fire is holding on top of the ridge in rocky barren terrain. Today, the firefighters will continue to ensure their fire edge is secure and patrol the fire line. They will also resume structure protection and any improvements to their water pumping systems for the homes in the area.
Planned Actions: Provide and improve protections for structures and improvements in Wapiti Creek, Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area, Sawtooth Lodge and infrastructure in the Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior.
Provide and improve protections for structures in the Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area and Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior. Patrol/monitor fire perimeter. Ensure fire edge is secured.
Assess protection needs for Hanging Valley.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
Significant Events: Active fire activity was observed, with surface burning in timber/understory, group torching, short-range spotting into receptive dead fuels. Winds from passing thunderstorms aid in surface fire spread.1000 hr dead fuels at critical levels, steep complex terrain availability, contribute to active fire behavior. Fire remains active overnight in the thermal belt above 7000 ft.
Projected Incident Activity: Active fire behavior will continue as suppression opportunities are limited. Dead fuels will remain the primary carrier and spread. Backing, group-torching, spotting, and up hill runs will continue to spread the fire to the west, north and south. Dryer, warmer weather forecast through the weekend. Hot dry conditions will continue the drying of live fuels and the potential for them to contribute to fire spread.
Weather: A storm system brought higher moisture values with overnight recoveries greater than 55% across all elevations Thursday morning. Scattered showers and thunderstorms developed across southern and central Idaho through the morning hours, with continued development expected this afternoon and early evening.
Very little precipitation has occurred and expected with this shower/storm activity through the day, with totals of trace to 0.10 inches. A Red Flag Warning is in effect until 9PM Thursday evening due to the threat for lightning. Any storms that occur in the vicinity will also pose a threat for gusty outflow-driven winds of 20 to 30 mph. With moisture over the area, RH values remained above 25% Thursday afternoon while temperatures remained in the 70s to low 80s.
Shower and storm chances diminish on Friday. Modest moisture will remain in place on Friday with daytime minimum RH values between 25-30% with afternoon temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s over the highest terrain and upper 70s to lower 80s within the valleys/drainages. Winds will be light and terrain/diurnal influenced with winds along the upper ridgelines out of the W gusting to 10-15 mph. Warmer and drier conditions will return to the fire area this weekend and into next week.
Expanded Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
A new order expands the previous closure area. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here: Wapiti Closure ORDER Aug12
August 14, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 3,104 acres, 0% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 56
- Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 3 engines
- Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
Wapiti fire has been active in areas exposed to winds in upper elevations and ridges. Firefighters continue to ensure the structures in the vicinity of the fire are protected with improved defensible space, with an extensive sprinkler and water pumping system in communities near the fire. Crews are evaluating the Hanging Valley subdivision. Smoke may be visible from State Highway 21 please use caution while driving in the area. A predominant ridge on the west side of the fire is being assessed for opportunities to conduct strategic firing operations when conditions are favorable. On the south side of the fire is a historic fire area is adjacent to the fire and remains less receptive to fire activity.
Planned Actions: Provide and improve protections for structures in Wapiti Creek, Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area, Sawtooth Lodge and infrastructure in the Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior. Patrol/monitor fire perimeter. Ensure fire edge is secured.
Assess protection needs for Hanging Valley.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices
Significant Events: Active fire activity was observed, with surface burning in timber/understory, group torching, short-range spotting into receptive dead fuels. Fire behavior dependent on ventilation, dead fuel availability, and terrain influences. Live woody fuels beginning to become active. Fire remains active overnight in the thermal belt above 7000 ft.
Projected Incident Activity: There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread west and north in the South Fork Payette River drainage, with backing, group torching, and short-range spotting fire behavior. South fire spread into the Wapiti Creek drainage with backing, group-torching and spotting fire behavior.
The fire will continue to spread downhill and along the ridgelines to the west and north into the South Fork Payette River drainage. Isolated and group torching is expected and spotting will be likely. The interior will continue to burn within pockets of timber and understory. Fire behavior is expected to remain moderate to active during the night due to a strong thermal belt and down slope winds.
Weather: A passing weather system brought showers to the area Tuesday morning, along with cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity. Rainfall amounts across the fire area were less than 0.10 inches. This system moved away from the area by early afternoon, however the increase in moisture kept daytime RH values elevated above 25% across the fire area, while temperatures remained in the upper 60s and 70s. Winds continued to be terrain driven, with west winds gusting to near 15 mph along upper ridgelines during the afternoon.
Moisture will remain in place Wednesday keeping afternoon RH above 25% and allowing for overnight recovery above 60% across all elevations. Afternoon temperatures Wednesday will remain in the 70s to low 80s, while winds continue to be terrain driven. With daytime heating a few showers and thunderstorms are possible around the general area. This moisture will remain in place through the remainder of the week, with another storm system bringing afternoon showers and thunderstorms Thursday.
Expanded Closure Order in effect 8/12/24
A new order expands the previous closure area. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here: Wapiti Closure ORDER Aug12
August 13, 2024
Community Meeting Notice Join fire managers for a Middle Fork Complex, Bulltrout, and Wapiti Fire Community Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7pm for an in-person explanation of current fire activity and planned actions on these fires. The Community Meeting will be located at the Lowman Emergency Services Station 80, at 8000 HWY 21, Lowman, ID
- 2,667 acres, 0% contained
- Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
- Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
- Total Personnel: 57
- Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 3 engines
- Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
Planned Actions: Provide and improve protections for structures and improvements in Wapiti Creek, Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area, Sawtooth Lodge and infrastructure in the Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior.
Provide and improve protections for structures in the Bear Creek Summer Home Area, Camp Creek Summer Home Area and Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior. Patrol/monitor fire perimeter. Ensure fire edge is secured.
Assess protection needs for Hanging Valley.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire. The Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest have put in place a closure to ensure public and firefighter safety. See map below and find the latest information here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/
Significant Events: Active fire activity was observed, with surface burning in timber/understory, group torching, short-range spotting into receptive dead fuels. Fire behavior dependent on ventilation, dead fuel availability, and terrain influences. Once smoke inversion lifts fire behavior becomes more active. Live fuels currently show a resistance to spread.
Projected Incident Activity: Tuesday/Tuesday Night: There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread west and north in the South Fork Payette River drainage, back and flank northeast in the South Fork Payette River drainage. Easterly fire spread will be limited due to the fuel type change that occurs closer to the river. South fire spread into the Wapiti Creek drainage with backing fire behavior.
The fire will continue to spread downhill and along the ridgelines to the west and north into the South Fork Payette River drainage, Isolated and group torching is expected, and spotting will be likely. The interior will continue to burn within pockets of timber/understory, isolated and group torching is expected. Fire behavior is expected to remain moderate to active during the night do to a strong thermal belt and down canyon/down slope winds.
Weather: A warm and dry airmass remained across the fire area Monday. Inversion conditions limited ventilation through early afternoon, keeping winds light across the area. Relative humidity fell into the upper teens to low 20% range across the fires, while temperatures climbed into the 80s to low 80s As the inversion lifted, west-southwest winds gusting to around 15 mph spread across upper ridgelines, while low and mid slopes remained terrain driven.
A storm system will bring scattered showers and thunderstorms across the area on Tuesday morning. Lightning and gusty outflow winds can be expected with these storms. With this increase in moisture, RH values will remain elevated in the mid to upper 20% range Tuesday afternoon while temperatures trend 5-10 degrees cooler. Winds Tuesday will continue to be terrain driven through early afternoon, then becoming westerly with gusts around 15 mph mid to late afternoon.
Expanded Closure Order 8/12/24
A new order expands the previous closure area. The closure effects some trails accessed from the Sawtooth Wilderness and road 524 into Grandjean. Please view the updated closure map below and read about the order here: Wapiti Closure ORDER Aug12
August 12, 2024
West Mountain Complex: Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
August 12, 2024
Wapiti Fire
2,452 acres, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
Total Personnel: 52
Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 3 engines
Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush.
Summary: Yesterday fire activity increased due to changes in weather and smoke was visible from State Highway 21 please use caution while driving in the area. Firefighters continue to ensure the structures in the vicinity of the fire are protected with improved defensible space, water pumps, and sprinklers. Firefighters are assessing the fire for opportunities to conduct strategic firing operations when conditions are favorable.
The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Planned Actions: Provide and improve protections for structures and improvements in Wapiti Creek, Bear Creek, Camp Creek Summer Home areas, Sawtooth Lodge and infrastructure in the Grandjean area. Conduct firing operations based on fire behavior.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-92 effective July 27, 2024). This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire.
Significant Events:
Active fire behavior was observed, with surface burning in timber and understory, group torching, and short range spotting into receptive dead fuels. Fire behavior dependent on ventilation, dead fuel availability, and terrain influences. Once smoke inversion lifts fire behavior becomes more active. Live fuels currently show a resistance to spread.
Projected Incident Activity: Sunday/Sunday Night: There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread west and north in the South Fork Payette River drainage, back and flank northeast in the South Fork Payette River drainage. Easterly fire spread will be limited due to the fuel type change that occurs closer to the river. South fire spread into the Wapiti Creek drainage with backing fire behavior. The fire will continue to spread downhill and along the ridgelines to the west and north into the South Fork Payette River drainage, Isolated and group torching is expected, and spotting will be likely. The interior will continue to burn within pockets of timber/understory, isolated and group torching is expected. Fire behavior is expected to remain moderate to active during the night do to a strong thermal belt and down canyon/down slope winds.
Weather: A warm and dry airmass remained across the fire aea Sunday. Inversion conditions limited ventilation and kept relative humidity values elevated above 30% through early afternoon, while winds remained light. As this inversion lifted by mid-afternoon, ventilation increased and RH fell into the upper teens to low 20 percent range. Temperatures across the fire area climbed into the 80s to low 90s, while general winds were from the west around 5 mph, with gusts of 10-12 mph.
A few showers will be possible around the area Monday morning, otherwise inversion conditions will again prevail through early afternoon. This inversion will lift by mid-afternoon, allowing RH to fell into the 20-25% range, while temperatures again warm into the 80s, and general winds remain light from the west. A weather system will bring a round of showers and thunderstorms to the area Monday night into early Tuesday, along with an increase in RH and a cooling trend.
The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at https://www.fs.usda.gov/
August 11, 2024
West Mountain Complex: Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
August 11, 2024
Wapiti Fire
2,279 acres, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
Total Personnel: 33
Resources on-site: 1 type 2 hand crew; 3 engines
Fuels involved: Timber with litter and understory, short grass and brush.
Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested.
Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on August 10, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout fire and Middlefork Complex Fires: Bulldog, Nellie and Anderson.
Planned Actions: There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread west and north in the South Fork Payette River drainage, back and flank northeast in the South Fork Payette River drainage. Easterly fire spread will be limited due to the fuel type change that occurs closer to the river. East and south fire spread into the Wapiti Creek drainage with spotting, group torching into receptive dead fuels.
Evacuations/Closures: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-92 effective July 27, 2024). This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire.
Significant Events: Active fire behavior was observed, with uphill runs, group torching and short-range spotting.
Projected Incident Activity: Saturday/Saturday Night: There is a high probability of active fire behavior due to unseasonably high ERCs, low relative humidity, and downslope winds after 1600. The fire will continue to spread west in the South Fork Payette River drainage, back and flank northeast in the South Fork Payette River drainage and burn east and south in the Wapiti Creek drainage. Spotting will be likely. The interior will continue to burn within pockets of timber/understory. Moderate to active fire behavior is expected during the night do to a strong thermal belt and down canyon/down slope winds.
Weather: A weak weather system brought scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms across the general area Saturday morning. Precipitation totals were generally around 0.05 inches, however this moisture kept relative humidity elevated above 50% through the morning. Daytime heating allowed the inversion to begin lifting by mid-afternoon, resulting in RH values falling into the 25-35% range, and temperatures rising into the mid-70s to lower 80s. General winds were westerly around 5 mph with occasional gusts To 15 mph.
After a night of good overnight RH recovery, the airmass will trend drier Sunday. The inversion in place over the area will lift by midafternoon allowing RH values will fall into the upper teens to low 20% range, while temperatures warm into the upper 70s to mid-80s. General winds will continue to be westerly around 5 mph with gusts of 10-15 mph. This pattern will remain in place through Monday.
The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at https://www.fs.usda.gov/
August 10, 2024
West Mountain Complex: Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
August 10, 2024 Wapiti Fire 1,705 acres, 0% contained Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024 Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean Total Personnel: 93 Fuels involved: Subalpine fir, snowberry, sagebrush, perennial grasses. Summary: The Wapiti Fire was started by lightning late in the evening of July 24, 2024, approximately 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID. Steep terrain, difficult access and unfavorable weather conditions have challenged firefighters. The Boise National Forest managed the fire until a Complex Incident Management Team was requested. Great Basin Team 7 assumed command of the Wapiti Fire at 6 am on July 31, 2024 and will manage it along with the Bulltrout Fire and Boulder Fires on the Boise National Forest, as well as the Wolf Creek Fire that started on the Payette National Forest but spread to the Boise National Forest. All of these fires, along with a number of others were started by the same series of thunderstorms on the 24th and 25th of July. Evacuations/Closures: Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-92 effective July 27, 2024). This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire. Significant Events: Active fire behavior was observed, with surface burning in timber/understory, group torching, and short runs and spotting. Projected Incident Activity: Saturday Night: There is a high probability of active fire behavior due to unseasonably high ERCs, low relative humidity, and downslope winds after 1600. The fire will continue to spread west in the South Fork Payette River drainage, back and flank northeast in the South Fork Payette River drainage and burn east and south in the Wapiti Creek drainage. Spotting will be likely. The interior will continue to burn within pockets of timber/understory. Moderate to active fire behavior is expected during the night do to a strong thermal belt and down canyon/down slope winds. Weather: Today temperatures rose into the mid 70s with humidity down to 20% on the fires. Winds were mainly terrain driven. There’s a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow with 40% chance of cloud to ground lightning strikes in the fire area, but only a 5% chance of a wetting rain. Outflow winds 30-40 mph are possible with thunderstorms. Otherwise, temperatures cool a few degrees to the low 70s with afternoon humidity down to the mid 20s and terrain driven winds again. This hot dry trend will increase the potential for active fire behavior and perimeter growth. The chance of dry lightning will increase the potential of initial attack within the Temporary Flight Restricted area. Relative humidity recovery tonight will be poor and could allow for continued fire through the evening.
Planned Actions: Continue point protection and utilizing aircraft to protect identified values at risk and to keep the fire perimeter as small as possible. CLOSURE IN EFFECT (see map below) The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at https://tinyurl.com/2u8v3pf7 Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti August 10, 2024 ~0900 hours “Light rain this morning should help the firefighting effort, although it depends on how the thunderstorms were tracking. The rain has reduced the smoke particulate concentrations somewhat, however the purple air monitors are reading 158 this morning, still in the unhealthy range” August 10, 2024 ~1200 hours “Thunderstorms with intermittent significant rain have continued all morning. Looks like some of these may have affected the Wapiti Fire.” |
August 9, 2024
West Mountain Complex: Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
USFS Information:
August 9, 2024
Wapiti Fire
1,705 acres, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024
Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean
Total Personnel: 53
Summary: The Wapiti and Bulltrout fires resulted from a lightning storm on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
On July 31st an incident management team was delegated the West Mountain Complex which includes the Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest. A full suppression strategy is being utilized on these lightning-caused fires. Firefighter and public safety remain the top priority for fire managers. Northern Rockies CIMT 5 is mobilizing and will take command of the Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on Saturday, August 10th at 6:00 am.
Weather | Anticipated Fire Behavior: Temperatures in the fire areas will rise slightly to the mid-70s, with relative humidities increasing to 20%. Downslope winds are expected in the morning, followed by upslope winds in the afternoon. Dry thunderstorms are possible this afternoon, with low chances of substantial moisture in the coming days.
Actions: Firefighter and public safety as well as the protection of values at risk remains the top priority of the team through all suppression efforts. Resources are identified and prepared for initial attack. Aircraft will be ready to support firefighters
on the ground for any new fire starts.
Wapiti Fire: Firefighting crews remain engaged in implementing appropriate tactics give the fuel and terrain with the highest probability of success protecting the private property in the area. Late afternoon and evening will be when the fire is most
active due to an afternoon shift in wind directions. Crews will continue firing operations today, as well as other strategies, to best protect nearby values at risk while keeping firefighters and the public safe.
Important Information: For the Wapiti Fire, the Boise and Sawtooth National Forests have issued a closure order for roads, trails and lands encompassing the Wapiti Fire. The closure was enacted to protect public safety and support fire suppression activities.
The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at
Evacuations: The evacuation of the Grandjean area and the Sawtooth Lodge remains in place and the incident management team is in close coordination with the Boise County Sheriff’s Office.
Boise County Notification Zones: Residents of Boise County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by enrolling online at https://public.coderedweb.com/
Custer County Notification Zones: Residents of Custer County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by texting CUSTER to 99411 or enrolling online at https://public.alertsense.com/
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti
August 8, 2024 ~1400 hours
“The smoke situation on August 8 remains about the same as yesterday. Local air quality smoke monitors continue to produce air quality index readings in the RED ZONE, as high as 163, well into the unhealthy zone. People, especially those sensitive to high particulate concentrations from smoke, should limit exposure to air quality with index readings in the RED Zone to the extent possible, following guidance from the daho Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”
August 9, 2024 ~0800 hours
“The smoke situation in Stanley is worse today than yesterday. Purple air air quality sensors are reading 176 and 191, well into the Unhealthy zone this morning.”
August 8, 2024
West Mountain Complex: Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
USFS Information: August 8, 2024 Wapiti Fire 1,337 acres, 0% contained Cause: Lightning on July 24, 2024 Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean Total Personnel: 64 Summary: The Wapiti and Bulltrout fires resulted from a lightning storm on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. On July 31st an incident management team was delegated the West Mountain Complex which includes the Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest. A full suppression strategy is being utilized on these lightning-caused fires. Firefighter and public safety remain the top priority for fire managers. Weather | Anticipated Fire Behavior: Temperatures in the fire areas will remain in the 70s, with relative humidities rising slightly to 17-25%. Wind speeds will drop slightly from yesterday, with gusts of 15 mph. Downslope winds are expected in the morning, followed by upslope winds in the afternoon. Winds pushing to the southeast are possible, which could push the fire towards more dense vegetation. Dry thunderstorms are anticipated in the area over the weekend, with low chances of substantial moisture in the coming days. Actions: Resources are identified and prepared for initial attack. Aircraft will be ready to support firefighters on the ground for any new fire starts. The Cascade area received several new fire starts on Monday evening on both the Boise and Payette National Forests. Alongside the local unit, the Incident Management Team is coordinating shared resources to staff those new starts. Great Basin Team #7 assumed command of two of those new starts, the Dollar and Snag fires at 6:00 AM today. Firefighter and public safety as well as the protection of values at risk remains the top priority of the team through all suppression efforts. Wapiti Fire: Firefighting crews remain engaged in implementing appropriate tactics given the fuel and terrain with the highest probability of success protecting the private property in the area. Yesterday, crews began firing operations to direct the fire away from private property and denser pockets of vegetation. Firing operations are used by wildfire managers to achieve suppression objectives by burning off unburned fuels between the current fire footprint and the primary containment lines. This firing operation has several days of careful planning between cooperators, agency administrators, incident commanders and on-the-ground overhead staff and crews. Crews will continue firing operations, as well as other strategies, to best protect nearby values at risk while keeping firefighters and the public safe. Important Information: For the Wapiti Fire, the Boise and Sawtooth National Forests have issued a closure order for roads, trails and lands encompassing the Wapiti Fire. The closure was enacted to protect public safety and support fire suppression activities. The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at Boise County Notification Zones: Residents of Boise County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by enrolling online at https://public.coderedweb.com/ Custer County Notification Zones: Residents of Custer County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by texting CUSTER to 99411 or enrolling online at https://public.alertsense.com/
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti – August 7, 2024 ~1400 hours “The windshift from south to west/northwest yesterday brought smoke from the Wapiti Fire into the Stanley Basin, and particulate concentrations increased rapidly. Based on readings from two Purple Air monitors in the Stanley area, particulate concentrations were in the RED (Unhealthy) range based on the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Index. The readings were 159 and 160 this afternoon. These are private monitors and are not used for air quality regulation, and may produce different readings from official IDEQ air quality monitors. Stanley is working with IDEQ to install a state air quality monitor in Pioneer Park, just as we did during the Bench Lake Fire.” |
August 7, 2024
Wapiti Fire Information
West Mountain Complex:
Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest
USFS Information: August 7, 2024 Wapiti Fire 740 acres, 0% contained Cause: Lightning Fire Location: 2 miles SE of Grandjean Total Personnel: 63 The Wapiti fire resulted from a lightning storm on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. On July 31st an incident management team was delegated the West Mountain Complex which includes the Boulder, Wapiti and Bulltrout Fires on the Boise National Forest and the Wolf Creek Fire on the Payette National Forest. A full suppression strategy is being utilized on these lightning-caused fires. Firefighter and public safety remains the top priority for fire managers. Weather | Anticipated Fire Behavior: Temperatures in the fire areas will remain in the 70s. Today is forecasted to be the driest day of the week, with relative humidities between 12-17%. Northwesterly winds are anticipated, with wind speeds dropping slightly from yesterday. Low humidity and a shift in wind direction could increase fire behavior. Wapiti Fire: Firefighting crews remain engaged in implementing appropriate tactics give the fuel and terrain with the highest probability of success protecting the private property in the area. The predicted change in wind direction will increase fire activity. Crews will continue point protection efforts and keep an eye out for changing conditions. Important Information: For the Wapiti Fire, the Boise and Sawtooth National Forests have issued a closure order for roads, trails and lands encompassing the Wapiti Fire. The closure was enacted to protect public safety and support fire suppression activities. The closure affects interior travel on several National Forest System roads such as NFS Grandjean Road #524 and the Warm Springs Air Strip. Additional information about these closures can be found at Boise County Notification Zones: Residents of Boise County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by texting CUSTER to 99411 or enrolling online at https://public.coderedweb.com/ Custer County Notification Zones: Residents of Custer County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by texting CUSTER to 99411 or enrolling online at https://public.alertsense.com/
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
USFS and NIFC Fire Info Facebook Page for U.S. Forest Service – Sawtooth National Forest Facebook Page for U.S. Forest Service – Boise National Forest Facebook Page for U.S. Forest Service – Payette National Forest Sawtooth National Forest info:
Sawtooth National Forest – News & Events (usda.gov) Boise National Forest-Alerts and Closures Wapiti Fire Information Phone: 208-462-0345 (8am-8pm) Email: 2024.wapiti@firenet.gov InciWeb National Fire Info System – WAPITI LINK Emergency Closure In Effect The Boise and Sawtooth National Forest have issued a closure order effective immediately for roads, trails and lands encompassing the Wapiti Fire. USFS Press Release: NEWS RELEASE Closure Order Wapiti Fire USFS Closure Order: CLOSURE ORDER Wapiti Fire CG_20240728 |
Bench Lake Fire Updates
Bench Lake Fire Updates
Bench Lake Status as of 8/9/2024:
Bench Lake Status as of 8/9/2024:
Total Personnel: 11
Size: 2,595 acres
Percentage of Perimeter Contained: 90%
Estimated Containment Date: 8/21/2024
Fire management transitioned from Nevada Team 1 to local unit incident commander Aug. 4.
The Bench Lake Fire is showing minimal fire activity in the fire area. The Type 4 team has observed smoldering pockets of heat along the western shore line of Redfish Lake. A recon flight showed interior pockets of heat as well, and these are expected to continue within the fire perimeter as larger fuels continue to burn down.
Repairs and maintenance to roads and trails have continued, with a portion of the Stanley to Redfish trail still needing some repairs. The initial Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) assessment is scheduled for Aug. 9. The BAER process is crucial for identifying the potential long term affects of the fire.
Redfish Lake Recreation Complex Campground Status:
First Come First Serve
- Sockeye
- Chinook Bay
- Mt. View
- Mt. Heyburn
Reservation Only
- Glacier View
- Outlet
- Point
- Inlet (Day Use outside the closure area, such as hiking to Saddleback remains open)
- The order closes National Forest System (NFS) Road 213 from Redfish Lake Lodge to Point Campground, opens NFS Trail 186 to the wilderness boundary, opens Inlet Campground, and opens NFS Trail 101 south of Inlet Campground. Check out the order and a full size map of the area at https://www.fs.usda.gov/
alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices .
Bench Lake Fire Updates
Bench Lake Status as of 8/8/2024:
Total Personnel: 97
Size: 2,595
Percentage of Perimeter Contained: 90%
Estimated Containment Date: 8/21/2024
Fire management transitioned from Nevada Team 1 to local unit incident commander Aug. 4.
The Bench Lake Fire is showing minimal fire activity in the fire area. The Type 4 team has observed smoldering pockets of heat along the western shore line of Redfish Lake. A recon flight showed interior pockets of heat as well, and these are expected to continue within the fire perimeter as larger fuels continue to burn down.
Repairs and maintenance to roads and trails have continued, with a portion of the Stanley to Redfish trail still needing some repairs. The initial Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) assessment is scheduled for Aug. 13. The BAER process is crucial for identifying the potential long term affects of the fire.
Redfish Lake Recreation Complex Campground Status:
First Come First Serve
- Sockeye
- Chinook Bay
- Mt. View
- Mt. Heyburn
Reservation Only
- Glacier View
- Outlet
- Point
- Inlet (Day Use outside the closure area, such as hiking to Saddleback remains open)
- The order closes National Forest System (NFS) Road 213 from Redfish Lake Lodge to Point Campground, opens NFS Trail 186 to the wilderness boundary, opens Inlet Campground, and opens NFS Trail 101 south of Inlet Campground. Check out the order and a full size map of the area at https://www.fs.usda.gov/
alerts/sawtooth/alerts-notices .
Current Wildfire Information
July 24, 2024Bench Lake Fire Information |
From: Custer, County Sheriff -Idaho Facebook Feed ~8:30 Pm July 21***Important Message********from Custer County Emergency Management*****Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below. CUSTER ZONE MAPDuring the Bench Lake Fire there has been a ZONE MAP set up for the surrounding areas. This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness. CODE RED and IPAWS1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in. 2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or 3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/ 4. To Receive updates through IPAWS set your phones to receive Alerts by going into settings and then Notifications and turning on your Emergency Alerts. 5. Stay updated through CodeRED as to what stage of READY SET GO your zone is in. READY SET GO – By ZoneAs of today July 21, 2024 – posted on FB Custer Sheriff FB Feed approx 8:30 pm ZONE 4 is in the GO Stage and has been Evacuated.ZONES 3 & 5 are in the SET Stage.All other Zones are in the READY Stage.Please contact Custer County Dispatch 208-879-2232 if you have any questions. |
Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at roadblocks cannot address the requests.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti – July 24 ~0700 hours Bench Lake Fire quiet as of early morning. Please note the National Weather Service Red Flag fire weather warning that could produce spot fires and erratic localized flare ups. |
USFS Information: July 24, 2024 8:12 AM: 2,595 acres, 34% contained USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Current USFS resources on the fire Helicopters: 10 Scooper Planes: 0 Engines: 15 Crews: 8 Total Personnel: 408 The National Weather Service in Pocatello, Idaho, has issued a Red Flag Warning for the Stanley Basin and Bench Lake Fire area. Weather conditions have been crucial in decision-making since the fire began, and crews are now preparing for scattered thunderstorms expected in the afternoon and evening. Incident meteorologists anticipate lightning and sustained winds of around 20 mph, with gusts of 45 to 55 mph near thunderstorms, which could challenge the fireline. Despite being optimistic about increased containment, fire managers acknowledge there is still significant work ahead. Isolated smoke columns and tree torching are expected in the coming weeks. Crews will continue camping near the west side of the fire to secure the fireline, remove hazardous trees, and use natural barriers to improve containment around the Bench Lakes. Progress is being made with heavy equipment on Decker Flats Road (#210) to clear dense vegetation. Fuels reduction around the Sawtooth National Forest Stanley Ranger Station is nearly complete. Aviation assets remain a vital support to on-the-ground resources. From July 12 to 21, aircraft have transported 213 passengers, hauled nearly 167,000 pounds of cargo, dropped 1.5 million gallons of water, and flown 255 hours. Custer County Notification Zones: Residents of Custer County are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED to receive emergency alerts. Residents can sign up for CodeRED by texting CUSTER to 99411 or enrolling online at https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BF28E45537FF. Additional information about Custer County’s Ready, Set, Go levels can be found on the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558947312289. Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an expanded emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-148) July 18 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Highways 75 and 21 remain open. Visit https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-closures/idstf-bench-lake-fire for a map and more details on the closure order. |
Current Wildfire Information
July 21, 2024 EVENINGBench Lake Fire Information |
From: Custer, County Sheriff -Idaho Facebook Feed ~8:30 Pm July 21***Important Message********from Custer County Emergency Management*****Custer County has put in place an emergency mass notification process by using the CODE RED and IPAWS Emergency Alerts Systems. Along with these alert systems they will be using READY SET GO systems to communicate to residents the level of preparedness that they are in. Please see an explanation of each stage below.CUSTER ZONE MAPDuring the Bench Lake Fire there has been a ZONE MAP set up for the surrounding areas. This map will be used for all emergency broadcast so it is very important for everyone to be aware of what Zone they are in. Please follow these simple steps to receive your alerts and know your level of preparedness.CODE RED and IPAWS1. Please see the map below to locate what zone you are in. 2. Text CUSTER to 99411 to enroll in CODE RED or 3. Enroll online at https://public.coderedweb.com/READY SET GO – By ZoneAs of today July 21, 2024 – posted on FB Custer Sheriff FB Feed approx 8:30 pmZONE 4 is in the GO Stage and has been Evacuated.ZONES 3 & 5 are in the SET Stage.All other Zones are in the READY Stage.Please contact Custer County Dispatch 208-879-2232 if you have any questions. |
Custer County Zone Map – Enlarged Versions
Ready, Set, Go Action Plan
Printable Lists – How to respond to wildfire near your home.
idaho_actionguide.pdf (iafc.org)
USFS and NIFC Fire Info
Facebook Page for U.S. Forest Service – Sawtooth National Forest
For additional details about the fire, check out the latest update at:
Sawtooth National Forest info:
Sawtooth National Forest – News & Events (usda.gov)
InciWeb National Fire Info System – Bench Lake Fire:
Bench Lake Fire Information
Phone: 208-901-7230
Email: 2024.benchlake@firenet.
Emergency closure in effect for
Redfish Lake Complex
Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at roadblocks cannot address the requests.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti – July 21 ~0800 hoursThe air quality team assigned to this fire reported this morning we are forecasted to see lighter than average winds today. The current fire behavior and smoke output plus light winds is expected to create smoke lingering in the Stanley area. The peak PM 2.5 readings and visible smoke will largely occur around noon, like yesterday. Most of the outlook area can anticipate MODERATE air quality for the day, a few locations Stanley and Twin Falls may see brief periods of “Unhealthy For Sensitive Groups” PM 2.5 levels in the afternoon. |
Other UpdatesVery unstable air (wind shifts in direction and speed) with record low fuel moistures* and above-normal temperatures, afternoon humidity around 15%, west to northwest winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 20. Spot fires are likely under these conditions. The Redfish Lodge remains secure with a large array of structural protection tools and resources in place. (*SVWFC side-note – The wood that is feeding the Bench Lake Fire is very dry and according to some data points, the DRIEST ever – think well cured kindling. (See ARTICLE below for more info on fuel moisture.) Bench Lake Fire remains the #1 priority Fire in the Great Basin area. National Wildland Fire Preparedness Levels reflect the Nation’s Wildfire Response Stages.The National Incident Coordination Center at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) is now at Preparedness Level 5 (PL 5). (See ARTICLE below for more info) One effect of this shift from PL 4 to PL5 at the national level, due to the number and size and complexity of the current wildfire across the US is extreme competition across the nation for wildfire firefighting resources. Additional wildfire response resources can be utilized by mobilizing the military and other nations firefighters to respond to wildfire incidents. The Great Basin Area (Idaho and region) is at PL 4. This preparedness level regionally already impacts the availability of fire crews, infrared equipped planes for evening fire perimeter mapping reconnaissance, etc. |
USFS Information:
July 21, 2024 8:27 AM:
- 2,538 acres, 13% contained
- USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire
Helicopters: 5
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 15
Crews: 10
Total Personnel: 439
Strategic foresight coupled with the correct complement of firefighting personnel resulted in bolstering containment efforts to 13%.
The additional hotshot crews and aviation resources assigned to the Bench Lake Fire played a critical role in securing firelines. While the primary threat of wildfire impacting Redfish Lake Lodge has partially decreased, there remains a host of other hazards. Dead standing trees, boulders, and other dislodged debris affirm the need for the area to remain closed as of now.
WEATHER FORECAST: The fire area may experience a significant shift in the weather pattern beginning Monday, July 22. Incident meteorologist forecasts a dry cold front, likely to include an increased chance of thunderstorms and gusty winds that could negatively impact fire growth and activity.
Crews are proactively adjusting tactics and assignments to combat this event. Aggressive firefighting tactics will be balanced by the necessity to keep fireline personnel safe. Crews are proactively assessing all opportunities to mitigate risks and continue the progress seen over the past week.
While the Stanley Basin saw an increase in visitors enjoying weekend festivities, the support for the now 439 firefighters and support personnel is greatly appreciated.
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an expanded emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-148) July 18 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Highways 75 and 21 remain open. Visit https://inciweb.
wildfire.gov/incident- closures/idstf-bench-lake-fire for a map and more details on the closure order.
Current Wildfire Information
July 21, 2024 Mid-DayBench Lake Fire Information |
USFS and NIFC Fire InfoFacebook Page for U.S. Forest Service – Sawtooth National Forest For additional details about the fire, check out the latest update at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/news/ Sawtooth National Forest info:Sawtooth National Forest – News & Events (usda.gov) InciWeb National Fire Info System – Bench Lake Fire:https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/ Bench Lake Fire InformationPhone: 208-901-7230 Email: 2024.benchlake@firenet. Emergency closure in effect forRedfish Lake Complex |
Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at roadblocks cannot address the requests.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti – July 21 ~0800 hoursThe air quality team assigned to this fire reported this morning we are forecasted to see lighter than average winds today. The current fire behavior and smoke output plus light winds is expected to create smoke lingering in the Stanley area. The peak PM 2.5 readings and visible smoke will largely occur around noon, like yesterday. Most of the outlook area can anticipate MODERATE air quality for the day, a few locations Stanley and Twin Falls may see brief periods of “Unhealthy For Sensitive Groups” PM 2.5 levels in the afternoon. |
Other UpdatesVery unstable air (wind shifts in direction and speed) with record low fuel moistures* and above-normal temperatures, afternoon humidity around 15%, west to northwest winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 20. Spot fires are likely under these conditions. The Redfish Lodge remains secure with a large array of structural protection tools and resources in place. (*SVWFC side-note – The wood that is feeding the Bench Lake Fire is very dry and according to some data points, the DRIEST ever – think well cured kindling. (See ARTICLE below for more info on fuel moisture.) Bench Lake Fire remains the #1 priority Fire in the Great Basin area. National Wildland Fire Preparedness Levels reflect the Nation’s Wildfire Response Stages.The National Incident Coordination Center at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) is now at Preparedness Level 5 (PL 5). (See ARTICLE below for more info) One effect of this shift from PL 4 to PL5 at the national level, due to the number and size and complexity of the current wildfire across the US is extreme competition across the nation for wildfire firefighting resources. Additional wildfire response resources can be utilized by mobilizing the military and other nations firefighters to respond to wildfire incidents. The Great Basin Area (Idaho and region) is at PL 4. This preparedness level regionally already impacts the availability of fire crews, infrared equipped planes for evening fire perimeter mapping reconnaissance, etc. |
USFS Information:
July 21, 2024 8:27 AM:
- 2,538 acres, 13% contained
- USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire
Helicopters: 5
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 15
Crews: 10
Total Personnel: 439
Strategic foresight coupled with the correct complement of firefighting personnel resulted in bolstering containment efforts to 13%.
The additional hotshot crews and aviation resources assigned to the Bench Lake Fire played a critical role in securing firelines. While the primary threat of wildfire impacting Redfish Lake Lodge has partially decreased, there remains a host of other hazards. Dead standing trees, boulders, and other dislodged debris affirm the need for the area to remain closed as of now.
WEATHER FORECAST: The fire area may experience a significant shift in the weather pattern beginning Monday, July 22. Incident meteorologist forecasts a dry cold front, likely to include an increased chance of thunderstorms and gusty winds that could negatively impact fire growth and activity.
Crews are proactively adjusting tactics and assignments to combat this event. Aggressive firefighting tactics will be balanced by the necessity to keep fireline personnel safe. Crews are proactively assessing all opportunities to mitigate risks and continue the progress seen over the past week.
While the Stanley Basin saw an increase in visitors enjoying weekend festivities, the support for the now 439 firefighters and support personnel is greatly appreciated.
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an expanded emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-148) July 18 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Highways 75 and 21 remain open. Visit https://inciweb.
wildfire.gov/incident- closures/idstf-bench-lake-fire for a map and more details on the closure order.
Current Wildfire Information
Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
Updated mapping shows the fire at 2,037 acres as of the evening of July 18, 2024 and 8% contained. There is not updated mapping since the evening of July 18, 2024.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at roadblocks cannot address the requests.
A new Idaho Department of Environmental Quality air quality monitor was installed at Pioneer Park. For more information on air quality please check Fire and Smoke Map (airnow.gov) and https://airquality.deq.idaho.
City of Stanley Mayor, Steve Botti – Update July 19, As of 9:30 AM
The Air Quality Index reflecting smoke impacts is predicted to be moderate this afternoon in Stanley.
Fire Perimeter: 2037 as of Julu 18 at 0200 hours. This does not reflect the fire activity in fishhook creek drainage on July 18.
Weather predicted for July 19 is similar to July 18 actual conditions: Very unstable air (wind shifts in direction and speed) with record low fuel moistures and above-normal temperatures, afternoon humidity around 15%, west to northwest winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 20. Spotfires are likely under these conditions. The Redfish Lodge remains secure with a large array of structural protection tools and resources in place.
(SVWFC side-note – The wood that is feeding the Bench Lake Fire is very dray and in some data points, the DRIEST ever – think well cured kindling. Stay tuned for more data on “fuel moistures.”)
Bench Lake Fire remains the #1 priority Fire in the Great Basin area.
National Wildland Fire Preparedness Levels reflect the Nation’s Wildfire Response Stages. The National Incident Coordination Center at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) is now at Preparedness Level 5 (PL 5). (See ARTICLE below for more info)
One effect of this shift from PL 4 to PL5 at the national level, due to the number and size and complexity of the current wildfire across the US is extreme competition across the nation for wildfire firefighting resources. Additional wildfire response resources can be utilized by mobilizing the military and other nations firefighters to respond to wildfire incidents.
The Great Basin Area (Idaho and region) is at PL 4. This preparedness level regionally already impacts the availability of fire crews, infrared equipped planes for evening fire perimeter mapping reconnaissance, etc.
USFS Information:
July 19, 2024
2,037 acres, 8% contained
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 18, 2024 8:49 AM:
Helicopters: 6
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 14
Crews: 9
Total Personnel: 346
The diligent efforts of fire crews have resulted in achieving 8% containment on the Bench Lake Fire. Structure protection efforts at Redfish Lake Lodge and adjacent facilities are proving successful. Pumps and hoses continue to spray water increasing the relative humidity, making it harder for any fire embers to ignite adjacent fuels. Crews near the upper Bench Lakes have made substantial progress building containment lines in the extremely rugged terrain.
Yesterday, the national wildfire preparedness level reached its peak. During this time national resources such as hotshot crews and aviation resources are shared or assigned to incidents with the greatest need. Mapping regularity on the Bench Lake Fire may be impacted by competing priorities for infrared fire detection flights. However, specialized aviation resources dedicated to the fire including scoopers continue to support firefighting efforts on the ground.
If you see firefighters driving on road systems near your home or property, don’t be alarmed. Crews are proactively assessing road systems and strategically identifying contingency plans well in advance of potential fire growth.
Restrictions: The Sawtooth National Forest has initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an expanded emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-148) July 18 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Highways 75 and 21 remain open. Visit https://inciweb.

Current Wildfire Information
Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
Updated mapping shows the fire at 2,037 acres as of the morning of July 18, 2024.
Thank you to everyone who hosted and attended the Community Meeting last night! They’ve never seen a fire meeting in a small community so well attended! ~200 people were there.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
Mayor Botti’s Morning Update from July 18, 2024:
Morning Update: Redfish Lake Lodge is still standing. Water continues to be pumped out of the lake and Fishhook Creek onto structures. Water continues to be sprayed on and around the lodge and visitor center. Most of the trees surrounding the area are still green.
Last night south wind was bending the convection column so smoke was more visible in and around Stanley. The Incident Management Team continues to keep an eye on spot fires, especially across Fishhook Creek.
USFS Information:
July 18, 2024: 2,037 acres, 3% contained
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 18, 2024:
Helicopters: 4
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 13
Crews: 9
Total Personnel: 324
Yesterday on the Bench Lake Fire, crews began using fire as a buffer to burn vegetation between the 101 Trail and the northern edge of the main fire. By intentionally setting fire, crews are creating a break in continuous fuels, reducing fire intensity as it approaches the trail and limiting spread beyond the trail. If conditions prove favorable later today, crews plan to complete the backfire to guide the main fire to the wet, marshy area of Fishhook drainage in the northeast to slow progression of the fire. Incident managers were pleased with the effectiveness of the backburning.
Crews continued structure protection actions throughout the Redfish Lake area, which includes mitigating impacts to historical buildings and areas of cultural significance. The fire is currently above Point Campground, but no damage to the campground has been reported.
South winds of 15 to 25 mph are expected today with temperatures in the mid-80s. Increased smoke across the Stanley Basin was visible yesterday starting in the late morning, a trend which is likely to continue throughout the week. Those who are sensitive to the smoke should limit time outdoors.
The Sawtooth National Forest initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones, which became effective at 12:01 this morning. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-147) July 12 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
Updated mapping shows the fire at 1,850 acres as of the morning of July 17, 2024.
Community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 7:00pm, Stanley Community Center
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
Stage 1 fire restrictions are now in place within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones.
Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, the following acts are prohibited:
- Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within a designated recreation site, or on their own land, and only within an owner-provided fire structure.
- Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or designated recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
For additional information, call the Sawtooth National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 208-423-7500, the Fairfield Ranger District at 208-764-3202, the Ketchum Ranger District at 208-622-5371, the Minidoka Ranger District at 208-678-0430, the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Headquarters at 208-727-5000, or the Stanley Ranger Station at 208-774-3000.
Mayor Botti Update from July 17, 2024:
Afternoon Update: Redfish Lake Lodge is still standing. Water continues to be pumped out of the lake and Fishhook Creek. Water continues to be sprayed on and around the lodge and visitor center. Most of the trees surrounding the area are still green.
High winds are present this afternoon, as predicted. Thunderstorms are in and around the area. Fire crews continue to monitor lines and keep an eye on spot fires.
Morning Update: Control lines are now at the parking area by the bench at Redfish Lodge. Having control lines at this location is part of fire fighting operations to secure the eastern fire perimeter and protect Redfish Lodge. All buildings at Redfish Lodge are still protected. The W/NW flank of the fire is burning down into Fishhook Creek drainage. Fire crews will contain the fire along the creek and construct more fire line as necessary. This is intended to prevent the fire from moving north toward Stanley.
The weather will be warm, dry, and have more unstable conditions increasing the risk of spot fires along the N/NE side of the fire. Progress continues to anchor the southern fire perimeter from the 4th Bench Lake to Redfish Lake to prevent the fire from hooking around the inlet side of Redfish Lake and burning down the east shore of the lake.
USFS Information:
July 17, 2024: 1850 acres, 3% contained
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 17, 2024:
Helicopters: 4
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 13
Crews: 9
Total Personnel: 324
Yesterday on the Bench Lake Fire, crews began using fire as a buffer to burn vegetation between the 101 Trail and the northern edge of the main fire. By intentionally setting fire, crews are creating a break in continuous fuels, reducing fire intensity as it approaches the trail and limiting spread beyond the trail. If conditions prove favorable later today, crews plan to complete the backfire to guide the main fire to the wet, marshy area of Fishhook drainage in the northeast to slow progression of the fire. Incident managers were pleased with the effectiveness of the backburning.
Crews continued structure protection actions throughout the Redfish Lake area, which includes mitigating impacts to historical buildings and areas of cultural significance. The fire is currently above Point Campground, but no damage to the campground has been reported.
South winds of 15 to 25 mph are expected today with temperatures in the mid-80s. Increased smoke across the Stanley Basin was visible yesterday starting in the late morning, a trend which is likely to continue throughout the week. Those who are sensitive to the smoke should limit time outdoors.
The Sawtooth National Forest initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones, which became effective at 12:01 this morning. Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-147) July 12 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
Updated mapping shows the fire at 1,850 acres as of the morning of July 17, 2024.
Community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 7:00pm, Stanley Community Center
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
Stage 1 fire restrictions are now in place within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones.
Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, the following acts are prohibited:
Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within a designated recreation site, or on their own land, and only within an owner-provided fire structure.
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or designated recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
For additional information, call the Sawtooth National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 208-423-7500, the Fairfield Ranger District at 208-764-3202, the Ketchum Ranger District at 208-622-5371, the Minidoka Ranger District at 208-678-0430, the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Headquarters at 208-727-5000, or the Stanley Ranger Station at 208-774-3000.
Mayor Botti Update from July 17, 2024:
Control lines are now at the parking area by the bench at Redfish Lodge. Having control lines at this location is part of fire fighting operations to secure the eastern fire perimeter and protect Redfish Lodge. All buildings at Redfish Lodge are still protected. The W/NW flank of the fire is burning down into Fishhook Creek drainage. Fire crews will contain the fire along the creek and construct more fire line as necessary. This is intended to prevent the fire from moving north toward Stanley.
The weather will be warm, dry, and have more unstable conditions increasing the risk of spot fires along the N/NE side of the fire. Progress continues to anchor the southern fire perimeter from the 4th Bench Lake to Redfish Lake to prevent the fire from hooking around the inlet side of Redfish Lake and burning down the east shore of the lake.
USFS Information
July 17, 2024: 1850 acres, 3% contained
July 16, 2024:
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 16, 2024 mid-day:
Helicopters: 3
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 12
Crews: 5
Total Personnel: 259
Fire activity increased yesterday with growth on the northwest corner of the Bench Lake Fire. Heavy smoke from high volumes of dead timber in the area drifted mainly East, a change from Sunday when it moved South. The change in fire acreage is due to more accurate mapping resulting with increased visibility of the fire’s perimeter from the air.
On the west side of Redfish Lake, the fire moved more slowly downhill towards the lake. Low-intensity burning will contribute to a mosaic burn, where many older trees will survive and the underbrush will return in abundance. As the fire reaches the lake, firefighters will begin to achieve containment from the lake’s edge, directly along the active southern fire perimeter, and up towards the ridge.
On the north side of Redfish Lake, crews are focused on structure protection while improving mitigation efforts around Redfish Lodge and adjacent structures throughout the compound. Sprinklers, water pumps, and an extensive network of hoses have been strategically placed to ensure adequate water support. Crews are removing fuels with chainsaws along the Fishhook Creek Trail system.
Helicopters and scooping aircraft are continuing to cool the fire’s edge with water drops. Aviation resources and crews are identifying and using natural barriers – including riparian areas, ridges, and rocky outcroppings – as control areas where the fire activity will be naturally slowed and limit the fire’s overall size.
There is a slight chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. The greatest concerns with these storms are erratic outflow winds and the potential for new fires to ignite. Firefighters will maintain awareness of these conditions and adjust their locations and tactics as needed to stay safe and have the greatest chance of success in containing the fire.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-147) July 12 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts- notices for a map and more details on the closure order. Both Highway 21 and Highway 75 remain open. Increased fire traffic and potential poor visibility warrant slowing down.

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
Updated mapping shows the fire at 1,275 acres as of the morning of July 16, 2024.
Community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 7:00pm, Stanley Community Center
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
The Sawtooth National Forest and Idaho Department of Lands will initiate Stage 1 fire restrictions within the National Forest System lands boundaries on the Sawtooth and Cassia zones effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday.
Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, the following acts are prohibited:
Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within a designated recreation site, or on their own land, and only within an owner-provided fire structure.
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or designated recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal or concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas.
For additional information, call the Sawtooth National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 208-423-7500, the Fairfield Ranger District at 208-764-3202, the Ketchum Ranger District at 208-622-5371, the Minidoka Ranger District at 208-678-0430, the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Headquarters at 208-727-5000, or the Stanley Ranger Station at 208-774-3000.
Mayor Botti Update from July 16, 2024: Burnout operations continue on the east side of the fire. The fire continues to burn around the north side of Mount Iowa where it may be dropping into the Fishhook Creek drainage. Burnout operations continue above Point Campground. This includes using fire to fight fire–making fire lines with drip torches or “ping pong balls” (small devices that ignite at targeted locations) to reduce the fuels and be able to use as defense lines. Sprinklers are in operation at the Redfish Lodge.
Spotting continues and USFS is paying close attention to spot fires that pop up around the area. Burnout operations will continue tomorrow.
Winds tomorrow should come from the N/NE and be favorable to firefighting conditions.
USFS Information from July 16:
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 16, 2024 mid-day:
Helicopters: 3
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 12
Crews: 5
Total Personnel: 259
Fire activity increased yesterday with growth on the northwest corner of the Bench Lake Fire. Heavy smoke from high volumes of dead timber in the area drifted mainly East, a change from Sunday when it moved South. The change in fire acreage is due to more accurate mapping resulting with increased visibility of the fire’s perimeter from the air.
On the west side of Redfish Lake, the fire moved more slowly downhill towards the lake. Low-intensity burning will contribute to a mosaic burn, where many older trees will survive and the underbrush will return in abundance. As the fire reaches the lake, firefighters will begin to achieve containment from the lake’s edge, directly along the active southern fire perimeter, and up towards the ridge.
On the north side of Redfish Lake, crews are focused on structure protection while improving mitigation efforts around Redfish Lodge and adjacent structures throughout the compound. Sprinklers, water pumps, and an extensive network of hoses have been strategically placed to ensure adequate water support. Crews are removing fuels with chainsaws along the Fishhook Creek Trail system.
Helicopters and scooping aircraft are continuing to cool the fire’s edge with water drops. Aviation resources and crews are identifying and using natural barriers – including riparian areas, ridges, and rocky outcroppings – as control areas where the fire activity will be naturally slowed and limit the fire’s overall size.
There is a slight chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. The greatest concerns with these storms are erratic outflow winds and the potential for new fires to ignite. Firefighters will maintain awareness of these conditions and adjust their locations and tactics as needed to stay safe and have the greatest chance of success in containing the fire.
Closures: Sawtooth National Recreation Area officials issued an emergency closure for the Bench Lake Fire (0414-04-147) July 12 for the Redfish Lake recreation complex, including the lodge and associated buildings, roads, trails, trailheads, and campgrounds in the area. Visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/sawtooth/alerts- notices for a map and more details on the closure order. Both Highway 21 and Highway 75 remain open. Increased fire traffic and potential poor visibility warrant slowing down.

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs on July 13, 2024. USFS is taking full suppression approach to the fire.
July 16 – Updated mapping now shows the fire at 1,275 acres.
Community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 7:00pm, Stanley Community Center
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
Mayor Botti Update from July 16, 2024: The fire made significant runs to the NW on Mount Iowa and to the NE toward the Point Campground. The fire is approximately 0.5 mile from Redfish Lodge complex. USFS plans to conduct burnout operations from defense lines constructed NW of Redfish Lodge complex and tie into Fishhook Creek. USFS resources are present on the ground to protect Redfish Lodge during the burnout operation. However, the burnout will create a large smoke column. This is necessary to tie into the main fire and secure the fire line. Hotshot crews are on site to execute the plan and identify and suppress any spot fires.
Winds tomorrow should come from the N/NE and be favorable to firefighting conditions.
USFS Information from July 15:
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 15, 2024 morning:
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 6
Crews: 5
Total Personnel: 211
Crews made good progress on mitigation efforts at the Redfish Lake Lodge ensuring historical buildings and other structures are protected. Crews deployed hoses, sprinklers, and water pumps throughout the area.
On Wednesday, July 17 at 7 p.m. a community meeting will be held at the Stanley Community Building. Fire managers and local agency representatives will be on site to answer questions. The meeting will be filmed and posted to Facebook later.
For more information, please visit InciWeb –>
Redfish Lake remains closed for the safety of the public and to ensure open water for the water-scooping aircraft currently collecting water from the lake.
The Bench Lake Fire Incident Command Post is located about 13 miles south of Stanley on Highway 75. Please slow down when approaching this area and the Redfish Lake area.
Bench Lake Fire Information can be reached at 208-901-7230 or 2024.benchlake@firenet.gov
With the busy day on the hillside, expect an increase in acreage on tomorrow’s update.

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs
July 15 – Infrared mapping flight showed the area of the of the fire is 738 acres.
The SVWFC will continue to share updates from the Liaison Officers and other official sources.
A cooperator’s meeting occurred on July 15, 2024 to provide a briefing and address any questions by partners.
If you need access to an emergency closure you need to speak directly to the incident command team. Local law enforcement at road blocks cannot address the requests.
USFS Information from July 15:
USFS has taken a full suppression approach since smoke was reported, approximately 12:30pm on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
Current USFS resources on the fire as of July 15, 2024 morning:
Scooper Planes: 2
Engines: 6
Crews: 5
Total Personnel: 211
Crews made good progress on mitigation efforts at the Redfish Lake Lodgeensuring historical buildings and other structures are protected. Crews deployed hoses, sprinklers, and water pumps throughout the area.
On Wednesday, July 17 at 7 p.m. a community meeting will be held at the Stanley Community Building. Fire managers and local agency representatives will be on site to answer questions. The meeting will be filmed and posted to Facebook later.
For more information, please visit InciWeb –>
Redfish Lake remains closed for the safety of the public and to ensure open water for the water-scooping aircraft currently collecting water from the lake.
The Bench Lake Fire Incident Command Post is located about 13 miles south of Stanley on Highway 75. Please slow down when approaching this area and the Redfish Lake area.
Bench Lake Fire Information can be reached at 208-901-7230 or 2024.benchlake@firenet.gov
With the busy day on the hillside, expect an increase in acreage on tomorrow’s update.

Fire Update
Great Basin Team 4 has assumed command of the Bench Lake Fire as of July 13, at 1800 hrs
July 15 – Infrared mapping flight showed the area of the fire is 738 acres.
July 14 – Infrared mapping flight showed the area of the fire is 350 acres.
The Liaison Officers for Great Basin Incident Management Team 4 reached out to the SVWFC and explained that their role in the management of the fire is to serve as the primary point of contact for all Local Government Officials and other stakeholders in the fire area “to ensure that their concerns and expectations are met.”
The USFS plans to host public meetings in the upcoming days.
The SVWFC will continue to share updates from the Liaison Officers and other official sources.
6:46 AM July 15, 2024 Update from Mayor Botti:
Fire is 738 acres this morning. The fire burned hillside to the water at Redfish Lake south of Point Campground. Fire is spreading readily by spot fires and that is expected to continue today.
Possible thunderstorms today expected to produce more spotting.
Fire expected to continue flanking on the moraine toward Redfish Lake Lodge. Defense lines are being constructed in that area. Structural protection is in place. More crews arriving today.
Goals include anchoring the south perimeter of fire near the mountains.
Air attack with two scoopers and three helicopters will continue water drops as weather permits.
Map below is somewhat dated in that it does not show that the fire has descended to lake shore south of Point Campground.
USFS Information from July 15:
An infrared flight mapped the Bench Lake Fire near Stanley, Idaho at 738 acres last night, reflecting the growth over the last few days. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity are a help to firefighters who are working to protect Redfish Lodge and other structures in the area and find defensible locations to dig fire line to begin containing the fire perimeter.
For today’s updated news and map, go to https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incide…/idstf-bench-lake-fire.
Redfish Lake does remain closed for the safety of the public and to ensure open water for the water-scooping aircraft currently collecting water from the lake.
The Bench Lake Fire Incident Command Post is located about 13 miles south of Stanley on Highway 75. Please slow down when approaching this area and the Redfish Lake area.
Bench Lake Fire Information can be reached at 208-901-7230 or 2024.benchlake@firenet.gov.